Business Strategy for Enterprise Cloud Startups

BusinessSuccessWith cloud computing becoming the center of almost every new enterprise IT project, more and more startups decide to compete in the area. This raises the question: “Are they ready to fulfill the enterprise needs?” Forget the need to have one big customer. This can open few doors but if your startup’s business strategy is wrong those will be shut down soon. It is true that one prominent customer can boost your sales but in my opinion there are two more important things that can help your startup get customers fast.
First question you need to ask yourself is: “Do I target the right audience?” If you want to play in the cloud space you need to look at two different points of view – the developer one and the IT one, and make sure that you understand both. And trust me, John Engates, CTO of Rackspace, is right by saying “the traditional datacenter admin, even the CIO, don’t necessary understand a developer’s standpoint” (see Cloud Operability and the Battle for the Open Cloud at

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