Big Data Isn’t About the Database, It’s About the Application

“Big Data analytics will shape the form of nearly every process going forward in time, from the color of the latest fashions, what the candidates say in one town versus another to the chemical composition of the latest super drug,” noted Steve Knodl, Director of Product Management at NextIO, in this exclusive Q&A with Cloud Expo Conference Chair Jeremy Geelan. “Whether these are considered “new” products,” Knodl continued, “or continuous improvement on previous processes is largely in the eyes of the beholder.”
Agree or disagree? – “While the IT savings aspect is compelling, the strongest benefit of cloud computing is how it enhances business agility.”

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Big Data Isn’t About the Database, It’s About the Application

“Big Data analytics will shape the form of nearly every process going forward in time, from the color of the latest fashions, what the candidates say in one town versus another to the chemical composition of the latest super drug,” noted Steve Knodl, Director of Product Management at NextIO, in this exclusive Q&A with Cloud Expo Conference Chair Jeremy Geelan. “Whether these are considered “new” products,” Knodl continued, “or continuous improvement on previous processes is largely in the eyes of the beholder.”
Agree or disagree? – “While the IT savings aspect is compelling, the strongest benefit of cloud computing is how it enhances business agility.”

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