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iBeacon Protocol, #API and the #InternetOfThings | @ThingsExpo #IoT #BigData

Forbes called 2015, the Year of the Mobile Beacon. AdWeek talks about how beacons are already influencing the way we network, get drunk, vacation, shop, and even how we buy sausage. Ten experts at Marketing Land predicted that this year the whole world of mobile marketing will become acutely location-aware. Plus, if Google, Apple, and Facebook are betting on it, shouldn’t you? We’ll dive in and learn how beacons interact with APIs, how the different beacon protocols work, and what makes for a quality beacon experience.

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Join @Logzio at @DevOpsSummit Silicon Valley | #API #DevOps #Containers #Microservices

SYS-CON Events announced today that has been named a «Bronze Sponsor» of SYS-CON’s @DevOpsSummit Silicon Valley, which will take place November 3-5, 2015, at the Santa Clara Convention Center in Santa Clara, CA. provides open-source software ELK turned into a log analytics platform that is simple, infinitely- scalable, highly available, and secure.

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[session] IoT and Education By @CWiteck | @ThingsExpo @Citrix #IoT #M2M #API #InternetOfThings

The Internet of Things has the potential to disrupt all industries, not just consumer, as businesses leverage the new insights and capabilities enabled by new devices / things, automation, integration and analytics, etc., to transform how they do business.
One industry ripe for disruption is higher education. Colleges and universities are being challenged with serving more students and at the same time ensuring successful student outcomes.
In his session at @ThingsExpo, Chris Witeck, Principal Technology Strategist at Citrix, will take a closer look at the potential of IoT in providing the platform for the next generation classroom, helping schools to easily offer a blended learning environment for students inside and outside of the classroom.

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DevOps in 2015 | @DevOpsSummit #DevOps #BigData #Microservices

DevOps has quickly become the buzzword du jour for the software industry and promotes something that many developers and IT Administrators don’t enjoy: collaboration. According to Wikipedia, “DevOps acknowledges the interdependence of software development, quality assurance, and IT operations“. By having all three arms of a technology department collaborating, software products and services can be produced with a high quality bar and operational efficiencies. In this article, we’ll review how IT operations can engage more with a customer’s experience and assist software development in isolating problems in a production environment with no code changes needed from the development engineers. We’ll use the AppDynamics Application Intelligence Platform to help illustrate how these synergies can drive a better product for customers

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Cloud in the U.S. and in Germany By @ProfitBricksUSA | @CloudExpo #API #DevOps #Docker #BigData

The cloud has reached mainstream IT. Those 18.7 million data centers out there (server closets to corporate data centers to colocation deployments) are moving to the cloud.
In his session at 17th Cloud Expo, Achim Weiss, CEO & co-founder of ProfitBricks, will share how two companies – one in the U.S. and one in Germany – are achieving their goals with cloud infrastructure. More than a case study, he will share the details of how they prioritized their cloud computing infrastructure deployments and the details they’ve learned. From performance to network configurations, they’ve got interesting architectures running in the cloud now.
ProfitBricks learned from these two customers and he will give you some tips on how to make your move to the cloud painless.

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Building ROI with DevOps | @DevOpsSummit #DevOps #Docker #Microservices

Decisions about budgets and resources are often made without IT even having a seat at the table. As technologist we understand the value of DevOps – but do your business counterparts? If they don’t, your DevOps initiatives could lose funding before they start.
In her session at DevOps Summit, Jeanne Morain, Strategist / Author at iSpeak Cloud, LLC, will provide insights on how to bridge the gap between business and technology leaders. Attendees will learn prescriptive guidance on balancing workloads, critical communication processes and considerations for building out a solid return-on-investment model.

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Why Open Source Software Is Taking Over By @vmTyler | @CloudExpo #Cloud

You don’t have to look far to see evidence of open source software’s impact on IT as a whole. It starts with large open source projects like OpenStack, Cloud Foundry, and Hadoop and continues to smaller but widely deployed components like OpenSSL and MySQL.

I know what you’re thinking.
But no one is making real money from open source. Red Hat is the big player and they’re still tiny.
This is something I hear often when talking about the inevitability of open source. Yes, open source software companies make less money than closed source software companies. But that’s exactly why it’s attractive to customers. Let me explain.

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Interface Masters Technologies to Exhibit at @CloudExpo Silicon Valley | #Cloud

SYS-CON Events announced today that Interface Masters Technologies, provider of leading network visibility and monitoring solutions, will exhibit at the 17th International CloudExpo®, which will take place on November 3–5, 2015, at the Santa Clara Convention Center in Santa Clara, CA.
Interface Masters Technologies is a leading provider of high speed networking solutions focused on Gigabit, 10 Gigabit, 40 Gigabit and 100 Gigabit Ethernet network access and connectivity products. For over 20 years, the company has been providing innovative networking solutions with customization services to OEMs, large enterprises and sophisticated end users. Interface Masters has been an OCP member contributing multiple white box designs to the project while supporting customer SDN development.

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Join @CommVault at @CloudExpo Silicon Valley | #Cloud #BigData #DevOps #Microservices

SYS-CON Events announced today that CommVault has been named “Bronze Sponsor” of SYS-CON’s 17th International Cloud Expo®, which will take place on November 3–5, 2015, at the Santa Clara Convention Center in Santa Clara, CA. A singular vision – a belief in a better way to address current and future data management needs – guides CommVault in the development of Singular Information Management® solutions for high-performance data protection, universal availability and simplified management of data on complex storage networks. CommVault’s exclusive single-platform architecture gives companies unprecedented control over data growth, costs and risk. CommVault’s Simpana® software suite of products was designed to work together seamlessly from the ground up, sharing a single code and common function set, to deliver superlative Data Protection, Archive, Replication, Search and Resource Management capabilities. More companies every day join those who have discovered the unparalleled efficiency, performance, reliability, and control only CommVault can offer.

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For Private Cloud, No Pain Means Big Gains By @CKeene | @CloudExpo #Cloud

When virtualization took the data center, it offered huge cost savings for IT ops and zero migration pain for developers. Coming at a time when IT was being pressed by the business for savings, vSphere took the data center by storm.

This example is instructive when trying to consider why private cloud has had a slower adoption. The short answer is that cloud offers fuzzier benefits for IT ops while forcing a lot of pain on developers.

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