While testing is often ignored when it comes to DevOps – it could be the most important aspect of achieving true DevOps success. Without rethinking automated testing from the ground-up, the entire DevOps productivity gain cannot be realized.
Large tech companies build their own rapid test automation that runs in minutes across functional, performance, security and other tests.
In his session at DevOps Summit, Kevin Surace, CEO of Appvance, will discuss how we learn from these real-world successes and achieve a 95% time reduction in creating and running automated unified tests. Otherwise enterprises must make a tradeoff between velocity and quality. Learning from the leaders, that tradeoff does not need to be made.
Todas las entradas hechas por Latest News from @CloudExpo
Clutch #Docker Authorized Partner | @DevOpsSummit #DevOps #Microservices
Clutch is now a Docker Authorized Consulting Partner, having completed Docker’s certification course on the «Docker Accelerator for CI Engagements.» More info about Clutch’s success implementing Docker can be found here.
Docker is an open platform for developers and system administrators to build, ship and run distributed applications. With Docker, IT organizations shrink application delivery from months to minutes, frictionlessly move workloads between data centers and the cloud and achieve 20x greater efficiency in their use of computing resources. Inspired by an active community and transparent, open source innovation, Docker containers have been downloaded more than 800 million times. Docker also provides enterprise subscriptions that deliver the software, support and maintenance organizations need to deploy a Dockerized application environment.
The Dangers of ‘Microservices-Washing’ | @DevOpsSummit #DevOps #BigData #Microservices
Somebody call the buzzword police: we have a serious case of microservices-washing in progress. The term “microservices-washing” is derived from “whitewashing,” meaning to hide some inconvenient truth with bluster and nonsense.
We saw plenty of cloudwashing a few years ago, as vendors and enterprises alike pretended what they were doing was cloud, even though it wasn’t. Today, the hype around microservices has led to the same kind of obfuscation, as vendors and enterprise technologists alike are saying they’re building microservices—even though a cursory look at what they’re really up to wouldn’t uncover a single one.
Join @VividCortex in Silicon Valley | #IoT #DevOps #BigData #Microservices
SYS-CON Events announced today that VividCortex, the monitoring solution for the modern data system, will exhibit at the 17th International Cloud Expo®, which will take place on November 3–5, 2015, at the Santa Clara Convention Center in Santa Clara, CA.
The database is the heart of most applications, but it’s also the part that’s hardest to scale, monitor, and optimize even as it’s growing 50% year over year. VividCortex is the first unified suite of database monitoring tools specifically designed for today’s large-scale, polyglot persistence tier, easing this pain for the entire IT department.
Seven Jaw-Dropping Applications of Cloud By @IanKhanLive | @CloudExpo #IoT #Cloud #BigData
Here are seven completely real, jaw-dropping applications of cloud computing that can transform humanity. Made possible with cloud technology, don’t be surprised if you have never heard about such applications.
1. Shoes Sold by the Step
Imagine buying the world’s best shoes or for that matter any pair of shoes and paying zero dollars for them upfront. That would be crazy right? Well the Internet of Things can make this possible. With new technologies that can power everything we do and create new ways of doing them, vendors of consumable items can sell items based on a unique measurement rather than on a flat fee. Shoes may be sold for the number of steps you are expected to take in them or car tire manufacturers may charge you based on the number of kilometers you drive. No matter what, the fundamental aspect of charging a customer will change with the Internet of Things and cloud computing. This idea is based on consumption cloud computing that measures the usage of a specific service or product and charges the end user in real time. The possibilities are endless.
Integration of IoT and Social Networks | @ThingsExpo #IoT #M2M #API #BigData
Learn how IoT, cloud, social networks and last but not least, humans, can be integrated into a seamless integration of cooperative organisms both cybernetic and biological. This has been enabled by recent advances in IoT device capabilities, messaging frameworks, presence and collaboration services, where devices can share information and make independent and human assisted decisions based upon social status from other entities.
In his session at @ThingsExpo, Michael Heydt, founder of Seamless Thingies, will discuss and demonstrate how devices and humans can be integrated from a simple cluster of Raspberry Pi/IoT devices, up through cloud connected devices, severs, wearables and humans.
Docker Container Lifecycles By @JFrog | @DevOpsSummit #DevOps #BigData
Docker is hot. However, as Docker container use spreads into more mature production pipelines, there can be issues about control of Docker images to ensure they are production-ready. Is a promotion-based model appropriate to control and track the flow of Docker images from development to production?
In his session at DevOps Summit, Fred Simon, Co-founder and Chief Architect of JFrog, will demonstrate how to implement a promotion model for Docker images using a binary repository, and then show how to distribute them to any kind of consumer, being it a customer or a data center.
HP to Present at @CloudExpo Silicon Valley | @HP @HPbi #BigData #Microservices
The broad selection of hardware, the rapid evolution of operating systems and the time-to-market for mobile apps has been so rapid that new challenges for developers and engineers arise every day. Security, testing, hosting, and other metrics have to be considered through the process.
In his session at Big Data Expo, Walter Maguire, Chief Field Technologist, HP Big Data Group, at Hewlett-Packard, will discuss the challenges faced by developers and a composite Big Data applications builder, focusing on how to help solve the problems that developers are continuously battling.
Aligning DevOps and Business By @JamesUrquhart | @DevOpsSummit #DevOps #IoT #BigData
For almost two decades, businesses have discovered great opportunities to engage with customers and even expand revenue through digital systems, including web and mobile applications. Yet, even now, the conversation between the business and the technologists that deliver these systems is strained, in large part due to misaligned objectives.
In his session at DevOps Summit, James Urquhart, Senior Vice President of Performance Analytics at SOASTA, Inc., will discuss how measuring user outcomes – including how the performance, flow and content of your digital systems affects those outcomes – can bridge that “conversation gap,” and enable DevOps to seamlessly align work priorities with business objectives.
Join @Solgenia_Corp in Silicon Valley | #IoT #M2M #BigData #InternetOfThings
SYS-CON Events announced today that Solgeniakhela will exhibit at SYS-CON’s 17th International Cloud Expo®, which will take place on November 3–5, 2015, at the Santa Clara Convention Center in Santa Clara, CA.
Solgeniakhela is the global market leader in Cloud Collaboration and Cloud Infrastructure software solutions. Designed to “Bridge the Gap” between Personal and Professional Social, Mobile and Cloud user experiences, our solutions help large and medium-sized organizations dramatically improve productivity, reduce collaboration costs, and increase the overall enterprise value by bringing collaboration and infrastructure solutions to the Cloud. Based on innovative patented technologies that support Private, Public and Hybrid Cloud models, all our products offer ease of use, platform neutrality and mobile ubiquity. Solgeniakhela products and solutions are used by 3500 plus companies worldwide.