As-a-service models offer huge opportunities, but also complicate security. It may seem that the easiest way to migrate to a new architectural model is to let others, experts in their field, do the work. This has given rise to many as-a-service models throughout the industry and across the entire technology stack, from software to infrastructure. While this has unlocked huge opportunities to accelerate the deployment of new capabilities or increase economic efficiencies within an organization, it has complicated and even compromised security. A private cloud is nothing more than the virtualized components of a traditional data center, making it easier to provision, operate, and manage resources more efficiently. Hybrid clouds leverage larger scale public cloud environments to drive further efficiencies. Containers take this a step further, delivering greater micro-segmentation and isolation capabilities with much faster boot times. Security, of course, needs more than just perimeter defenses.
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[session] Architecting for the Cloud with Cloud Foundry and Bluemix By @RagsS | @CloudExpo #Cloud
As the world moves towards more DevOps and microservices, application deployment to the cloud ought to become a lot simpler. The microservices architecture, which is the basis of many new age distributed systems such as OpenStack, NetFlix and so on, is at the heart of Cloud Foundry – a complete developer-oriented Platform as a Service (PaaS) that is IaaS agnostic and supports vCloud, OpenStack and AWS.
In his session at 17th Cloud Expo, Raghavan «Rags» Srinivas, an Architect/Developer Evangelist at IBM, will discuss the microservices architecture, 12-factor app, containers, etc., and how to architect applications for the cloud in general and Cloud Foundry in particular. He will harness the power of dependency injection that Spring provides to pick a variety of data sources and services.
Agile Performance Testing | @DevOpsSummit #DevOps #BigData #Microservices
There once was a time when testers operated on their own, in isolation. They’d huddle as a group around the harsh glow of dozens of CRT monitors, clicking through GUIs and recording results. Anxiously, they’d wait for the developers in the other room to fix the bugs they found, yet they’d frequently leave the office disappointed as issues were filed away as non-critical. These teams would rarely interact, save for those scarce moments when a coder would wander in needing to reproduce a particularly finicky error.
An Interview with Jason Dixon | @DevOpsSummit #API #DevOps #Containers #Microservices
If your primary role within your organization is Operations, you likely realize the importance and significance of monitoring. The DevOps philosophy teaches us that measuring and collecting as much as possible is critical to not only the health of infrastructure, but it also plays a critical role in the architecting efforts of both software and hardware.
Jason Dixon of Librato knows this better than many and has made a career of helping others understand and implement the best tools and processes of successful monitoring. Known by many and first introduced to me as the “Graphite Guy”, Jason’s expertise goes far beyond his contributions to this and other open source projects.
Adopting DevOps – Overcoming ‘Cultural Inertia’ By @sd_architect | @DevOpsSummit #DevOps
Last month, my partners in crime – Carmen DeArdo from Nationwide, Lee Reid, my colleague from IBM and I wrote a 3-part series of blog posts on We titled our posts the Simple Math, Calculus and Art of DevOps. I would venture to say these are must-reads for any organization adopting DevOps. We examined all three ascpects – the Cultural, Automation and Process improvement side of DevOps. One of the key underlying themes of the three posts was the need for Cultural change – things like trust, collaboration, communication, etc. I will elaborate more on these soon.
Massive Parallel Procssing of Data with SCOPE | @CloudExpo #BigData
SCOPE is an acronym for Structured Computations Optimized for Parallel Execution, a declarative language for working with large-scale data. It is still under development at Microsoft. If you know SQL then working with SCOPE will be quite easy as SCOPE builds on SQL.
The execution environment is different from that RDBMS oriented data.
Data is still modeled as rows. Every row has typed columns and eveyr rowset has a well-defined schema. There is a SCOPe compiler that comes up with optimized execution plan and a runtime execution plan.
New Guide to Complying with FERPA By @Xeniar | @CloudExpo #Cloud
One of the biggest challenges facing schools today has nothing to do with demographics, enrollment numbers or curriculum. It is complying with the 1974 Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), also known as the Buckley Amendment, which sets strict standards for the protection of students’ data. Violating FERPA can result in loss of Federal funding, fines or a state civil suit for any school or college which receives federal funds. It has been said that few other laws have affected the daily administration of schools and colleges as much as FERPA.
Bringing an End to the Back End By @Xeniar | @CloudExpo #Cloud
Nikolai Fasting: We have a completely different vision. Most BaaS address back-end developers. However, we want to make the back-end obsolete. We are addressing innovative front-end developers who want to be creative. We don’t want them to worry about the back-end.
We also offer a broader range of features that makes solving problems easier than combining multiple solutions.
IoT: Tabs to Be Read Later By @PSilvas | @ThingsExpo #IoT #M2M #BigData #InternetOfThings
One I’ve been holding on to almost the longest is an interesting INC article Our Future Will be Analog, Not Digital. Geoffrey James talks about the Internet of Things and how people think the convenience of connectivity is more important than the risks involved. He talks about how snail mail, cash and unplugging are tending up along with how analog objects are becoming status symbols. This is a good one if you think all this connectivity will become so hackable and fragile that no one will want to use it.
IoT Ready Infrastructure By @PSilvas | @ThingsExpo #IoT #M2M #API #BigData
IoT applications will come in all shapes and sizes but no matter the size, availability is paramount to support both customers and the business. The most basic high-availability architecture is the typical three-tier design. A pair of ADCs in the DMZ terminates the connection. They in turn intelligently distribute the client request to a pool (multiple) of IoT application servers which then query the database servers for the appropriate content. Each tier has redundant servers so in the event of a server outage, the others take the load and the system stays available.