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Application Analytics By @AppDynamics | @DevOpsSummit [#APM #DevOps]

In my last blog post, I made a case for the powerful combo of APM and Analytics that you shouldn’t miss out on. Today, I’m going to explain what I mean by that with an example on how you can build better apps and write better code leveraging this powerful combination.

There is a common misperception that the only way a developer can write better code is by running profilers and by painstakingly collecting every call graph of their application to learn how its code is actually behaving. Cutting edge developers have started using application performance management (APM) to understand code performance and identify bottlenecks. The problem with both these approaches is that this often results into testing just the happy-path of your code. Negative or failure testing will catch exception scenarios but that is rarely coupled with stress testing scenarios. Rarely do testers test combine the two (negative and stress) to uncover scenarios that develop over time with cumulative or sequential failures.

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We Are Akana By @AkanaInc | @CloudExpo [#API #Cloud #Microservices]

One of the best things about working here is the collaborative nature of our team. We throw around ideas, critique each other’s suggestions, and ultimately arrive at some pretty smart decisions through a combination of talking, illustrating, venting, analysis, logic, and insane amount of passion and conviction. And yes, there’s a lot of caffeine fueling all of that.
This style of working – thoughtful, insightful, respectful – has given us the freedom and courage to make important changes to our products and in the technology we believe in. By the same token, we have wonderful customers who work in partnership with us to help us understand how their markets are evolving and allow us to serve them better through our innovative technology. Our ability to engage, react and predict has served us incredibly well.

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More DevOps Stories Than All Others Combined By @DevOpsSummit [#DevOps]

SYS-CON Media announced today that 9 out of 10 ” most read” DevOps articles are published by @DevOpsSummit Blog.

Launched in October 2014, @DevOpsSummit Blog offers top articles, news stories, and blog posts from the world’s well-known experts and guarantees better exposure for its authors than any other publication.

The widespread success of cloud computing is driving the DevOps revolution in enterprise IT.

Now as never before, development teams must communicate and collaborate in a dynamic, 24/7/365 environment. There is no time to wait for long development cycles that produce software that is obsolete at launch.

DevOps may be disruptive, but it is essential.

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Streaming Analytics By @TheEbizWizard | @CloudExpo [#Cloud]

Since the dawn of enterprise digital computing, managers have been looking to computer operators to run data processing jobs on those original workhorses of computation. The goal: to generate reports that the managers would use to make decisions on how to run their companies or government agencies.

Today, those large binders filled with perforated pages striped in glorious green and white may be long gone, but the batch job – paper report – human decision pattern remains engrained on our managerial consciousness, for better or worse.

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Announcing @Storpool to Exhibit at @CloudExpo New York [#Cloud]

SYS-CON Events announced today that StorPool Storage will exhibit at SYS-CON’s 16th International Cloud Expo®, which will take place on June 9-11, 2015, at the Javits Center in New York City, NY.
StorPool is distributed storage software that allows service providers, enterprises and other cloud builders to run data storage on standard x86 servers, instead of using expensive and inefficient storage arrays (SAN).

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Tesora Announces Enhancements to OpenStack DBaaS | @CloudExpo [#Cloud]

Tesora is the leading contributor to the OpenStack Trove project for database as a service and supplies an enterprise version, which has been updated and is available now.
Tesora announces an update of its database as a service (DBaaS) platform that adds expanded replication capabilities in MySQL including failover, making it the first OpenStack Trove-based product to support high availability.
In addition, Tesora has extended database support to include MariaDB 5.5 and 10.0 along with PostgreSQL 9.3. Also, the recently announced support for Oracle 12c is generally available.

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HSSBC Improved Efficiency with ITSM By @Dana_Gardner | @CloudExpo [#Cloud]

Health Shared Services BC in Vancouver implemented one of the healthcare industry’s first Service Asset and Configuration Management Systems to help them optimize performance of their IT systems and applications.
We’ll explore how HSSBC has successfully implemented one of the healthcare industry’s first Service Asset and Configuration Management Systems to help them optimize performance of their IT systems and applications.

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WebRTC Startup @TemasysRTC Appoints Leaders | @ThingsExpo [#WebRTC]

Temasys has announced senior management additions to its team. Joining are David Holloway as Vice President of Commercial and Nadine Yap as Vice President of Product.
Over the past 12 months Temasys has doubled in size as it adds new customers and expands the development of its Skylink platform. Skylink leads the charge to move WebRTC, traditionally seen as a desktop, browser based technology, to become a ubiquitous web communications technology on web and mobile, as well as Internet of Things compatible devices.

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Make Sense of Errors and Logging By @Stackify | @DevOpsSummit [#DevOps]

While errors and logs are often instrumental to diagnosing application issues, getting the most out of them isn’t easy. If you’re using a narrowly focused tool or rolling your own solution, it’s likely you’re either struggling to quickly get to the data you need when you need it, or you’re trying to find a needle in a haystack. Learn how to make sense of all this data in this interesting blog.

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Internet of Things Policies Required By @Vormetric | @ThingsExpo [#IoT]

Given the current global furor over continuing data breaches, Edward Snowden disclosures, the hue and cry around NSA data collection from mobile phones and mobile encryption, now is a good time to stop and think before we plunge wholesale into even more extensive collection of personal information from IoT environments and devices.

Think how much worse a breach of data could be if it includes full profiles of people’s movements, actions, eating habits, purchase preferences or even more personal information. Consider at the same time the potentials for abuse if this information is improperly handled or made available.

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