3rd Annual World Congress of Cloud Computing 2014

Today I am proud and honored to announce that I will be participating in this year’s 3rd Annual World Congress of Cloud Computing 2014! Highlighting the theme of “Chinese Dream in Cloud” the event will be held in Dalian, China from June 19 to 21, 2014.
CloudCon-2014 aims to strengthen the technical and business ties in cloud computing area, to bring
together experts and industry leaders to share technological advancements and business
experiences, and to jointly explore opportunities in emerging technologies. This congress provides an ideal platform for industrial practitioners and academia to keep up to date with current technology trends, interact with industry experts and network with peers. CloudCon-2014 is presenting an ambitious and unique program based around major themes “Chinese Dream In Cloud”, and will feature an exciting line-up of keynote speakers and intense breakout sessions, where lively and interactive debates will take place among the delegates. The newly launched sectors are Parallel Thematic Forums, Frontier Technological Program, and IT/ICT Business Matchmaking and Career Fairs.

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