Tech News Recap for the Week of 9/29/2014

Were you busy last week? Here’s a quick tech news recap of articles you may have missed from the week of 9/29/2014.

Tech News Recap

Tech News RecapMore talk this week about retail store data breaches. Microsoft announces Windows 10. eBay and PayPal will be splitting into two separate companies. Apple has made iPhone theft even harder with a series of security enhancements within iOS 8. Cisco sets $1 billion investment for global cloud network. Microsoft CEO talks about economic boost cloud computing will provide to India. There were also some good articles around qualifications of a cloud architect, security essentials, data analytics & more.

What top tech news did we miss? Leave a comment with links to any quality articles from last week that other readers may enjoy!

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Why Everyone Is Talking About the ‘Internet of Things’ (#IoT) | @ThingsExpo

Over the summer Gartner released its much anticipated annual Hype Cycle report and the big news is that Internet of Things has now replaced Big Data as the most hyped technology. Indeed, we’re hearing more and more about this fascinating new technological paradigm. Every other IT news items seems to be about IoT and its implications on the future of… Read the full post

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CEO of @PubNub To Present at @ThingsExpo [#IoT]

As the Internet of Things gains momentum, the focus has been on securing billions of IoT devices and the servers that orchestrate their connectivity. However, the greatest security and authentication risks reside within the communications among devices and servers.
In his session at Internet of @ThingsExpo, Todd Greene, Founder & CEO of PubNub, will discuss the top 10 challenges in securing IoT communications that, unsolved, render it impossible to deliver a secure IoT rollout. Learn the requirements for a ubiquitous, secure, bi-directional communication protocol for IoT. Specific design patterns to deliver secure device updates, as well as comprehensive solutions for malware defense and security credential management will also be shared.

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Devil’s in the Details for NAS Storage Says @iXsystems | @CloudExpo

The devil made him do it. Or maybe it’s that the devil is in the details for Matt Olander, Chief Science Officer of iXsystems and a long-time contributor to FreeBSD.
A red devil icon plays a prominent role in this NAS storage company’s branding and image, which is open souce “in everything we do,” according to the company.
The company now has decades of experience “producing rock-solid solutions on an open source foundation. With more than1,000 clients, we have a proven history of building and delivering the right solution every time – for open source and beyond,” the company says.
We thought we’d find out what Matt has to say about open source and the state of NAS storage today:
Cloud Computing Journal: What advantages does NAS storage bring as cloud computing continues to grow?

Matt Olander: Network Attached Storage (NAS) allows new or existing cloud-computing platforms to easily extend storage capacity as service offerings grow. Since FreeNAS & TrueNAS offer both block & file access, no matter what architecture a deployment is using, our NAS solution can easily integrate into the chosen environment.

CCJ: What advantages have you seen Open Source provide for your customers?

Matt: There are many advantages offered by leveraging Open Source. Using Open Source alleviates one of the main problems with current storage solutions, which is vendor lock-in. By deploying something that is based on an Open Source solution, a client is free to explore other options and can rest assured knowing that they have other options at all times during the lifecycle of their investment.

Using Open Source can reduce costs by eliminating or reducing the proprietary licensing fees of a commercial, closed-source solution.

An Open Source solution also typically means that there are more people looking at the source-code. This means that the Open Source alternative can be more secure as well as higher quality, since more people are using, trying, and reviewing the software.

CCJ: What sort of trends do you see as cloud, Big Data, and the IoT grow? For example, the growth of solid-state storage.

Matt: According to Science Daily last year, 90% of the world’s data has been generated over the last 2 years. This is not slowing down and in fact, as more people and devices access the Internet, the need for storing and analyzing that data is growing.

We are moving into a time where devices at home will communicate with devices at work and even devices on the consumers body, in the form of wearable technology. All of these devices will benefit from a centralized location to share and store data. Storage will get faster and cheaper while the need for that storage will continue to grow.

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Oracle Unvelis Suite of Enterprise Mobility Solutions

I was able to attend the Oracle’s Open World user conference this week in sunny and warm San Francisco.  This year was a special year.  It was the public unveiling of Oracle’s suite of enterprise mobility solutions – both on-premise and cloud.  In this interview with Oracle’s VP Mobility and Development Tools, Chris Tonas, we discuss how these tools and platforms will be used to mobilize all of Oracle’s solutions and for use by their customers to mobilize their bespoke apps.

[Apologies]: I have a new microphone that does not require me to yell into, however, it takes me a few videos to realize it…

Video Link:

Upcoming Mobile App Testing Strategy webinar: Shift Mobile Testing Left Using Selenium and Eclipse
Date: October 7, 2014, 11am EDT
Description: Learn how the “shift testing left” dynamic is impacting Developers and Testers. Learn how Perfecto Mobile can facilitate this while supporting your Agile and Continuous Integration effort. The webinar includes a hands-on demonstration of the MobileCloud, including:

  • How to create a new mobile testing project in Eclipse
  • How to run a sample project on multiple devices in parallel
  • How to leverage existing Selenium scripts and extend them to mobile 
  • How to «Shift Left» and decrease mobile app time to market

Registration link:


Kevin Benedict
Writer, Speaker, Senior Analyst
Digital Transformation, EBA, Center for the Future of Work Cognizant
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***Full Disclosure: These are my personal opinions. No company is silly enough to claim them. I am a mobility and digital transformation analyst, consultant and writer. I work with and have worked with many of the companies mentioned in my articles.

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Japan’s Internet of Things Consortium To Sponsor @ThingsExpo [#IoT]

The Transparent Cloud-computing Consortium (abbreviation: T-Cloud Consortium) will conduct research activities into changes in the computing model as a result of collaboration between «device» and «cloud» and the creation of new value and markets through organic data processing High speed and high quality networks, and dramatic improvements in computer processing capabilities, have greatly changed the nature of applications and made the storing and processing of data on the network commonplace.

These technological reforms have not only changed computers and smartphones, but are also changing the data processing model for all information devices. In particular, in the area known as M2M (Machine-To-Machine), there are great expectations that information with a new type of value can be produced using a variety of devices and sensors saving/sharing data via the network and through large-scale cloud-type data processing.

This consortium believes that attaching a huge number of devices to the network and storing/processing data transparently on the cloud can lead to the birth of new computing models and businesses. We have defined 3 areas in which to form these new markets as device applications, big data analysis and platforms, and aim to investigate the technical development and business potential in each field and contribute to the creation of next-generation device-centric markets.

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Recurring Revenue Still Flying High By @AriaSystemsInc | @CloudExpo

Innovative companies who provide their products and services on a recurring basis have continued to generate new sales and drive greater profits since Aria Systems published its Big Book of Recurring Revenue Innovators e-book in Spring of this year. From established names such as Microsoft, ESPN, Toyota, and United Airlines Tim Clark

The post Recurring Revenue Still Flying High appeared first on Recurring Revenue Blog | Aria Systems.

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Tiered Archive Appliance at @CloudExpo [by @QuantumCorp]

More and more file-based and machine generated data is being created every day causing exponential data and content growth, and creating a management nightmare for IT managers. What data centers really need to cope with this growth is a purpose-built tiered archive appliance that enables users to establish a single storage target for all of their applications – an appliance that will intelligently place and move data to and between storage tiers based on user-defined policies.

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