With recent revelations about NSA surveillance programs including PRISM and now XKeyscore, many organizations are concerned about the privacy of customer data and other sensitive business information being put on the cloud. Some are predicting that the public uncovering of these programs will lead to a decrease in use of U.S. cloud providers. It’s been reported though, that other countries are obtaining information from the NSA’s surveillance, including the UK, and there are regularly stories about China and Russia maintaining similar surveillance programs, making the avoidance of just U.S. vendors not a viable strategy for protecting data.
Archivo mensual: agosto 2013
Harnessing the Risks of Cloud Computing for Business Value
A 2013 McKinsey survey reported that 75% of CEOs find value for their company in Cloud Computing. Given the well-documented perception of risk, are these established brands now coming to cloud to leverage «brand momentum» and create a «fresh start»? What are the pitfalls as these established companies enter the cloud environment, as CEOs start to discover the power of cloud computing beyond efficiency and cost savings?
In this panel, moderated by Mary Beth Borgwing, Managing Director, Standish Risk Management, the panelists – Manjula Talreja, VP, Global Cloud Business Development at Cisco; Sharon L. Kane, Partner at PwC; Vivian Maese, Partner, FinTech Practice at Dechert LLC; Jill Tummler Singer, CEO of Tummler Singer Associates; and Jennifer Mulveny, Director of Government Affairs at Intel Corp – discuss the risks involved with doing business in the cloud, the competitive landscape, the impact of regulation, compliance and what our experts see as the opportunity for reward.
Master Cloud Encryption Keys: The Heat Is On
Earlier this month, we discussed the effect of NSA Leaker, Edward Snowden and the Prism Scandal on the future of cloud security. We asked (and answered) the question: What level of paranoia is justified in the wake of PRISM? But it seems the scandal just grows and grows. We now hear that the Feds put heat on Web firms for master cloud encryption keys. It is unclear whether US authorities have the legal clout to obtain the master encryption keys that Cloud Providers use to shield customer data. However, it is crystal clear that the government wants this right. As the ripple effect of the scandal continues, we find ourselves being asked by customers: how do we make sure our keys are protected so that we can make sure our data is protected?
Cloud Security is special because Cloud Economics are special: if anyone (whether a commercial interest or the government) can get mast
Riverbed Appoints New CIO
Riverbed Technology has appointed Ginna Raahauge Senior Vice President and CIO. Raahauge will report to Ernie Maddock, chief financial officer at Riverbed, and her responsibilities will include the company’s Information Technology (IT) strategy, applications, infrastructure, security, and support.
«Ginna joins Riverbed with over twenty years of experience both optimizing and transforming IT for an industry giant as well as building IT from the ground up,» said Jerry M. Kennelly, chairman and chief executive officer at Riverbed. «She will be a key driver of new technologies and process at Riverbed, and we look forward to the many contributions Ginna will bring to our team.»
Prior to Riverbed, Raahauge was Vice President, IT at Cisco, where she was responsible for directing the Customer Value Chain Management Information Technology organization including order/booking, demand planning, global supply chain, quality, and revenue recognition. In this role, she was responsible for the entire technology platform for Cisco’s global order through invoice process and revenue recognition. She led a team of 200 plus full-time employees and 800 contractor/staff-augmented personnel.
Seven Shocking Internet Stats & Trends [Infographic]
(Source: Staff.com)
Cloud Computing 2013: What’s Next for Enterprises and ISVs
Having made it past the 2013 midpoint, it’s time for technology-driven and/or technology-enabled organizations to evaluate plans and review outcomes so far, look at what has changed in the industry or business landscape; and realign for what the rest of the year has to offer.
Here are some checkpoint trends, observations and tips to help you review and adjust plans for rest of the year. These observations and suggestions are based on field work, intelligence gathered working with customers, partners, prospects and industry leaders.
NASA’s cloud computing efforts “need strengthening”, says report
NASA’s roadmap towards utilising cloud computing needs a serious rethink, according to an official report from the space agency’s Office of Audits (OA).
In a 38-page report, the OA criticises NASA’s cloud strategy in terms of governance, risk management and security, concluding that “weaknesses…impeded the agency from fully realising the benefits of cloud computing and potentially placed at risk its information stored in the cloud.”
Currently, NASA spends about $10m of its annual IT budget on cloud services – a meagre sum given its overall budget is $1.5bn.
The agency appears to be reticent about going all-in for cloud however, predicting that with a legacy technology overhaul, “up to 40%” of its software could move to the cloud, adding that within five years, up to three quarters of new IT projects could be born in the cloud.
Regardless of the future, the report still damns the …
Hybrid Contact Centers – The New Normal
The prevalence of social media and the power of mobile have quickly turned the business world into a customer-centric one. Sure, there have always been companies devoted to excellent customer service. However, today’s engaged consumer expects all businesses to master customer experience management in addition to their core business.
It’s clear that cutting-edge technology enables companies to more easily deliver on this expectation. The evolution from on-premise contact center architectures to cloud-based technologies as the key customer communications vehicle is a key driver of advances in customer engagement today.
Mobile Cloud Computing Services
Mobile cloud computing refers to the combination of mobile networks and cloud computing with an aim of benefiting the network operators, mobile users, and cloud providers. Usually it’s a technology that leverages the elastic resources of network technologies and varied clouds toward unrestricted mobility and functionality. This enables mobile devices to be used anywhere without worrying about their location. Usually, cloud computing involve situations where data and tasks are kept on the Ethernet instead of on individual devices. On the other hand, mobile cloud computing involves other servers and mobile devices that are accessed via the Internet.
New Standards for Operational Dependability
From risks around cybersecurity to supply chain concerns to fast-changing trends around cloud computing, the pace of change and pressures on businesses to adjust well have never been higher. To gain a fuller grip on such risk and complexity, The Open Group is shepherding a series of standards and initiatives to provide better tools for understanding and managing true operational dependability.
BriefingsDirect sat down with the President and CEO of The Open Group, Allen Brown, at the July conference to gather an update on the efforts. The interview was conducted by Dana Gardner, Principal Analyst at Interarbor Solutions.