Will CPR significantly increase cloud survival rates?

IT is an acronym crazed world. So crazy that sometimes – when running out of three letter ones – we simply  recycle them or add sequence numbers. Remember MRP, which used to mean Material Requirements Planning, but then became Manufacturing Resource Planning (called MRP II to avoid confusion), to only a couple of years – and a few trillion of investments – later, resurface as ERP.

In that era the term BPR also became popular. BPR stood for Business Process Re-engineering (see for example Hammer, M. and Champy, J. A.: (1993) Reengineering the Corporation: A Manifesto for Business Revolution), a movement that in my perspective* really gained steam from the realisation that throwing new technology (ERP) at existing processes, only offered limited improvement potential. 

As Business Process Re-engineering often resulted in massive redundancies and layoffs, BPR got kind of a bad rap, especially among employees and unions (remember those?)

Today the term Business Process …