Why Data Breaches Occur and How You Can Lessen Their Impact

One of the dirty little secrets about security: there is simply no way to make your company impervious to a data breach. It’s almost a statistical certainty that you will, at some point or another, be hit with a security scenario that you’re not prepared for. That’s why security today is as much about damage control as it is about breach avoidance.
Attacks on corporate networks and data occur at alarming frequency. You might think that’s because attackers have become more sophisticated, but that’s not necessarily the case. In fact, the most recent Verizon Security Breach study suggests a hacker with fairly rudimentary skills could’ve pulled off the majority of attacks in 2012.
And these attacks aren’t isolated to large banks and government entities – they’re pervasive across all industries. The bottom line is, if you have important data, chances are someone else thinks it’s important too — and will do whatever it takes to get to it.

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