This interactive map from Automic helps make the continuous delivery landscape clearer

Confused about the extent of the DevOps landscape? Fear not – a new map issued by business automation software provider categorises more than 150 products to help organisations compose a ‘coherent continuous delivery (CD) toolchain’.

The interactive map, as becomes clear on first glance, takes its cue from various subway systems around the world, which makes for a clearer look than the classic marketing technology landscape supergraphic, the most recent of which came in at a mind-boggling 5,381 solutions.

From cloud infrastructure and platform as a service, to NoSQL database providers, to messaging and collaboration, 19 ‘lines’ are provided, with a link to their website and a short description of what they do.

If the product is one Automic supports, such as VMware’s vCloud Air, there is a link to the marketplace page – you didn’t think this was truly altruistic, did you? – but as the company explains, there is a need to simply what is an ever-expanding market.

“Making sense of the huge variety and number of tools available for the modern software development process can be confusing,” said Chris Boorman, CMO of Automic in a statement. “The Continuous Delivery Map clarifies the role each of these tools plays within a CD context, and demonstrates how orchestration, which is at the heart of this guide, is critical to a successful modern software delivery practice.”

Plenty of research has reached this publication around how the benefits of DevOps are alluring to organisations, but not being fully acted upon. ‘More of the same’ was the headline of a piece back in March, when automation software provider Quali trawled around AWS re:Invent, Cisco Live, VMWorld, and more to discuss strategy with delegates. More than half (54%) of those polled said they had no access to self-service infrastructure, with the most cited tools being Jenkins, on the continuous integration line, and Docker, on the ‘containerology’ line.

Automic was acquired by CA Technologies in December last year for €600 million, with the latter’s various products, from Flowdock, to TDM, to Agile Central, pervading the map.

You can explore and take a look at the map here.