@ThingsExpo | Have Some Raspberry Pi Internet of Things

One thing I’m learning this year as I dive deep into the IoT is a new meaning for the word “raspberry.” In particular, Raspberry Pi, the little computer that could.
A new announcement involving this technology comes from Ocean Optics, which has a new set of spectral sensing tools for IoT developers.
The STS Developers Kit features the company’s STS spectrometer—which measures less than 42mm square and 24mm high–a Raspberry Pi, customizable software, and wireless capabilities in single package.
“It can be used to develop handheld devices for applications such as color determination in liquid, gases and solids; color temperature of LEDs; or solar UV data collection,” according to company information. “It could also be used to create cloud-connected measurement clusters, and mounted on UAVs for remote monitoring.”
Once connected to a WiFi network, the spectrometer can be controlled through phone, tablet, or computer web browser. The WiFi range is up to 150 m, and all data is securely stored to the onboard SD card. It comes pre-loaded and ready to use out of the box, but can also be customized, as noted above. The company offers three models of the device.

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