The Secret Sauce of User Provisioning

Want the secret to user provisioning/de-provisioning in an enterprise setting, The one word answer,…Integration.The question is why, how & with what?
The need to credential authorized users to your network and other proprietary assets is clear. You only want those with the proper rights in…and all others out. Complicating matters is that there are so many users these days…employees, channel partners, contract employees, suppliers, vendors, customers, prospects–all needing some sliver of access. Further muddying the water is that each of the mentioned user types are not all equal. Consider employees. Do you want your junior admin assistant to have access to payroll information or other files type specifically aimed at senior executives? The volunteer coordinator at a local branch of a national non-profit may need social media access to spread activity messaging, but probably doesn’t need the log in credentials to ServiceNow.

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