The Benefits of Hybrid Cloud By @Rackspace | @CloudExpo [#Cloud]

Today, IT is not just a cost center. IT is an enabler and driver of business. With the emergence of the hybrid cloud paradigm, IT now has increasingly more capabilities to create new strategic opportunities for a business. Hybrid cloud allows an organization to utilize multi-tenant public clouds, dedicated private clouds, bare metal hosting, and the associated support and services for the right use cases through an on-demand, XaaS model. This model of IT creates tremendous opportunities for businesses to utilize cloud in the most customized way possible to suit its requirements and business goals, and also to enable new business opportunities in a way that was not possible a few years ago. This hybrid cloud computing model brings many more advantages than just cost savings. While a TCO analysis immediately shows the benefit of the hybrid cloud model, it does not fully capture the tremendous value that hybrid cloud brings to a business. The hybrid cloud model can enable and drive strategic opportunities for a business that will have far more impact than just cost savings.

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