Tech News Recap for the Week of 11/10/2014

Tech News RecapWere you busy last week? Here’s a quick tech news recap of articles you may have missed from the week of 11/10/2014.

Tech News Recap 11/10/2014

This week, a massive breach hit Postal Service employees. Google cloud will be storing petabytes of genome data for health researchers while a new Microsoft data center is being powered by fuel cells. Also with Microsoft, Bill Gates sold $925M in stock…but still owns $13.6B worth. There were articles about both the Army’s cloud strategy as well as its virtual desktop strategy. Facebook and Twitter will most likely be speaking with Russian officials about data storage regulations next month. AWS builds the first customized marketplace for the CIA’s private cloud. Samsung is readying Proximity, it’s challenger to Apple iBeacon. There was also an interview with Motus CIO Rick Blaisdell along with good articles around IT spending, project management offices driving business growth, and HP’s BYOD services.

What top tech news did we miss? Leave a comment with links to any quality articles from last week that other readers may enjoy!

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