SDDC: Product or Project By @SuperNap | @CloudExpo [#Cloud #SDN]

Simply defined the SDDC promises that you’ll be able to treat “all” of your IT infrastructure as if it’s completely malleable. That there are no restrictions to how you can use and assign everything from border controls to VM size as long as you stay within the technical capabilities of the devices. The promise is great, but the reality is still a dream for the majority of enterprises.

In his session at 15th Cloud Expo, Mark Thiele, EVP, Ecosystem Evangelism at SUPERNAP, will cover where and how a business might benefit from SDDC and also why they should or shouldn’t attempt to adopt today.
Mark Thiele’s responsibilities at SUPERNAP include evaluating new data center technologies, developing partners and providing industry thought leadership. His insights on the next generation of technological innovations and how these technologies speak to client needs and solutions are invaluable. He shares his enthusiasm and passion for technology and how it impacts daily life and business on local, national and world stages.

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