Rackspace examines cloudy cost savings in new survey

Nearly nine in 10 companies agree that moving to the cloud has resulted in cost savings, according to a new survey from open cloud provider Rackspace.

The research looked at over 1300 US and UK-based companies, as well as conducting qualitative interviews with executives surveyed.

Of course, it’s not the biggest surprise that a cloud vendor is advocating companies moving to the cloud.

In a whitepaper illustrating the research, this was made abundantly clear in terms of what the survey had found. Cloud computing “saves money”, “helps increase competitiveness” and “offers exciting opportunities for businesses of all sizes”, according to the research.

Sounds good. But what statistics are in the report to back up this assertion?

88% of businesses using the cloud stated that they have saved money as a result, with three in five believing that cloud computing has improved infrastructure efficiency, enabling more time “to focus on …