Oracle insists data will move at “ungodly speeds” with in-memory database

Oracle CEO Larry Ellison’s keynote speech at the Oracle OpenWorld event this year had heavy billing.

And rightly so; the software giant was going to announce its in-memory database, and we were going to be told just how far ahead of the competition it was.

Oracle announced two primary products; the in-memory Oracle 12c database, and a new server, the M6-32 Big Memory Machine, which includes 32 TB of memory. Ellison said that, with the new database, data will fly around at “ungodly speeds”.

Ellison’s keynotes, of course, are always newsworthy events, from the product launches and big claims to the trash talk of competitors.

Yet the expected barbs didn’t come, apart from one slide where Ellison noted Oracle’s new server, the M6-32 Big Memory Machine, had twice the bandwidth and memory of IBM whilst being three times cheaper.

IBM has complained about the veracity of …