Object storage and the cloud: Why we’re all secretly obsessed with storage

By Kirstan Pepler, head of propositions, media sector, Easynet

Many of us are not ashamed to admit an obsession with storage solutions, probably the most visited area of a particular Swedish retailer’s website. After all, a tidy house is a tidy mind, as we are told.

For the CTO, storage is fast becoming the latest obsession – this time without a flat pack in site.

The world’s information is doubling every two years. We’re producing and sharing content at an alarming, explosive rate, in a variety of different formats, across a myriad of different devices. Every minute, YouTube users upload 48 hours of new video, Google receives 2,000,000 search queries and Instagram users share 3,600 new photos.

The corporate world is no exception, as organisations strive to source opportunities arising from this surge of content. Businesses scurry to manage Big Data, and new businesses emerge …