Mitigating the data exposure risk of cloud-based email

Of the concerns people have about cloud security today, data control and data loss rank high—just second behind BYOD according to Infonetic’s April 2013 report. No wonder the market for cloud-based security services is growing at 69%.

Despite the popularity of texting and social networking, email remains the preferred method of communication in the enterprise, transporting not only the data within the messages themselves but via the attachments they carry with them.

While most large enterprises have had the management and security of email mostly under control for sometime, the migration of email to the cloud requires proper planning and new methods of management to keep sensitive data from getting into the wrong hands—whether its unlawfully transferred or stolen, or simply accidentally sent where it shouldn’t have been.

For enterprises that are moving email to the cloud, here are some points to keep in mind:

  • Consider …