Mike D. Kail Joins @DevOpsSummit Silicon Valley Faculty (#DevOps)

Yahoo CIO Mike D. Kail will present a session on DevOps at the 3rd International DevOps Summit, November 4-6, 2014, at the Santa Clara Convention Center in Santa Clara, CA. Mike brings more than 23 years of IT operations experience with a focus on highly scalable architectures to Yahoo. Prior to Yahoo, he served as VP of IT Operations at Netflix. The Netflix culture highlighted the transformation we see within forward-thinking IT organizations today and its use of public cloud and ‘No Ops’ is well known in the industry. Mike Kail worked to develop this culture within Netflix’s own IT organization, where he focused not only on the technology, but also on hiring and training the right talent. In order to achieve the right mix of technology innovation and human talent, he concentrated on identifying the right mind set for a new way of IT (DevOps) and how to transition from IT Ops to DevOps

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