Managing Hybrid Cloud Environments: The New Reality for Delivering ITaaS

IT leaders and practitioners need to know how to embrace shifting business and end-user expectations, and the cloud is a vital part of everyone’s strategy to address this challenge. But how do you go about selecting the right cloud services? How do you manage them without adding new management tools for every platform? Since almost all organizations will end up with a hybrid cloud, it is imperative to know how to manage such an environment seamlessly, allowing for the efficiency and agility promises of the cloud to remain real.
In their session at 14th Cloud Expo, James Urquhart, Technologist & Director of Cloud Management Solutions at Dell, and Jeremy Ford, General Manager of Cloud Services at Dell, will examine the role of IT, the critical decision checkpoints, and approaches to managing hybrid cloud computing environments. Attendees will also learn of deployment choices and constraints, the nuances of managing homogeneous vs. heterogeneous deployment environments, and how to deploy and manage applications in dissimilar environments.

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