‘Manage #Cloud Performance’ Presentation Slides By @JimCowie | @CloudExpo

To manage complex web services with lots of calls to the cloud, many businesses have invested in Application Performance Management (APM) and Network Performance Management (NPM) tools. Together APM and NPM tools are essential aids in improving a business’s infrastructure required to support an effective web experience… but they are missing a critical component – Internet visibility.
Internet connectivity has always played a role in customer access to web presence, but in the past few years use of the Internet in the web experience has dramatically increased. The broadening use of Cloud Services sources means that web content is coming to the customer from all over the Internet in a multitude of paths. Relying solely on Network and Internet Service Providers will get you connected but at what cost to performance and cost. Gaining the ability to monitor, analyze and plan managing Internet paths and take more complete control of your customer’s experience is no longer a nice-to-have, it is critical to your brand and profitability.

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