Is Your Data Encryption Kosher? By @SafeLogic | @CloudExpo [#Cloud]

Cryptography has become one of the most underappreciated, misunderstood components of technology. It’s too easy for salespeople to dismiss concerns with three letters that nobody wants to question. ‘Yes, of course, we use AES.’
But what exactly are you trusting to be the ultimate guardian of your data? Let’s face it – you probably don’t know. An organic, grass-fed Kobe steak is a far cry from a Big Mac, but they’re both beef, right? Not exactly. Crypto is the same way. The US government requires all federally deployed technology to meet minimum standards. For encryption, if it hasn’t been certified to meet the FIPS 140-2 benchmark, it is considered the equivalent of exposing your data in plain text. That’s how crucial it is.

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