IBM’s stack on big data management and governance

By Madan Sheina, Lead Analyst, Information Management, Tony Baer, Principal Analyst, Enterprise Solutions, Fredrik Tunvall, Analyst, Information Management

The big data phenomenon presents a challenge for data management, a complex IT discipline that many organizations still struggle to deal with effectively today, even with their “small” data sets.

As data grows, so too does data uncertainty – and with it lowered quality and trust. IBM is in the process of extending its InfoSphere family of data integration and governance tooling, with a sharp focus on targeting the Hadoop framework.

However, technology is only part of the equation. While the end goal for managing and governing big data should be the same as that for traditional enterprise data – i.e. to provide the business with reliable data – the exact methods vary and continue to gel. IBM (and its customers) is still only a short way along the path of creating best practices …