How Informatica is “the Switzerland of data”

Dennis Moore, SVP and GM, master data management at Informatica, speaks to CloudTech about the data sector, the big players in the database space, and how the Internet of Things (IoT) is changing everything.

Plenty of column inches in the past months have been focused on the various solutions vendors have put together for databases.

Oracle and SAP, the big traditional enterprises, have made plenty of hot air with their in-memory solutions – but only time will tell if the ripples on the market match up. Then you’ve got the NoSQL players, such as Couchbase, Mongo and DataStax.

It’s an area which has the potential to be hugely disruptive – and the cloud’s thought leaders are queuing up to have their say.

Couchbase CEO Bob Wiederhold, one of the biggest players in non-relational database structure, not surprisingly told CloudTech that “over time the market is going to move towards …