Forecasting the Future of IT Is Scary

On December 16, 2013, our friends over at Compare the Cloud wrote a blog called “The Day Computing Changed Forever – and We All Missed it.” The blog centered on what the future of the Cloud could hold for society. Ironically enough, the post was published on the same day that Google (pictured below) announced it’s new line of products – four legged military machines. SkyNet anyone?
Anyway, in the post our friends over at Compare the Cloud set the stage for what the future of the Cloud and IT in general could look like. From operating in the world via customized avatars, to fitting an entire data center within the space of a few specs of DNA to human clusters providing science with answers beyond current imagination, our friends at Compare the Cloud lay out a very interesting vision for the future. That said, we are going to use this space to, point-by-point, deconstruct their vision of the future and why that vision spells out an extremely scary world.

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