Erasing the Identity Blind Spot

Asserting control of the IT environment through collaborative and integrated identity and user access strategies create the necessary visibility.
Security is not an all-or-nothing proposition. And that’s part of the problem. It creates blind spots; gaps in vulnerability. Partly because of the inherent complacency that after a company institutes a new security initiative that hackers will be held at bay, or the employees won’t be tempted to make off with a database or a hundred other internal or external threats.
I have long promoted that security is as much about planning and process as it is about the various solutions that are deployed to protect networks, data, and other assets.
Security is no longer a wall. Stick up a firewall and your customer/user data won’t get leaked. Actually it’s more like a sandwich. And good security initiatives are like a good Dagwood sandwich – layered and integrated. But even the best sandwiches have holes (if they didn’t, you’d be eating a brick).

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