DevOps and Bimodal IT | @DevOpsSummit #DevOps #DigitalTransformation

Over the past few years, industry leaders have been discussing the best and most innovative ways to make software delivery faster and safer. Continuous Delivery, Agile and DevOps mindsets are prevailing while new technologies related to containers, microservices and release automation have been top of mind. These methods and technological advancements are finding their way into nearly every marketplace, from FinServ to healthcare, and it’s made its biggest gains in enterprise IT organizations. This week’s top 10 walks us through the DevOps journey in the enterprise, why it is necessary for IT professional to adapt with new DevOps skills, and, for a bonus, Jez Humble returns to the blogosphere to tell us why he thinks Gartner’s “Bimodal” IT model is misleading.

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