Cloud, Internet of Things & Big Data: What’s Next in 2015? | @CloudExpo [#IoT]

What changes in the cloud computing, Internet of Things and Big Data landscape should you be expecting in 2015? This article offers a round-up of industry experts’ opinions on the New Year.
Now that cloud services have become part of IT’s “new normal,” commonly referred to as “hybrid,” it seems obvious that the approaches and tools we use to manage IT would also evolve and mature, though the pace of evolution varies amongs companies, of course. According to a Website Magazine article quoting a Gartner survey, more than 55% of CIOs indicate they would host all critical apps in the cloud by 2020. Cloud services use cases can vary greatly, but often hold common themes around converting traditional applications to SaaS, or adding disaster recovery to your existing datacenter with RaaS.
What does this tee up for next year? Here are four key areas to watch in 2015:

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