Cloud Expo: Strategic Transformation to Next-Generation Big Data Platform

In his session at the 13th International Cloud Expo®, Tony Shan will present a methodical approach to effectively transforming a complex heterogeneous IT environment to a Big Data-enabled technology ecosystem. First he introduce a pragmatic methodology that provides a step-by-step process to systematically develop and migrate existing applications and databases to a new paradigm: Discover, Evaluate, Analyze, and Recommend (DEAR). Then he drill down to individual components in this method, such as current state diagnosis, future state formulation, gap analysis, roadmap generation, and incremental implementation.
Afterwards, a real-world business scenario in an industry vertical will be presented, where he will apply this comprehensive method to execute a holistic transformation. We dive deep into the key barriers, limitations, and issues in specific use cases, which help derive the core technical requirements for the new platform in this case study. Multiple options in the technology components are short-listed and assessed via qualitative and quantitative evaluations. Prototypes are further developed to conduct trial runs on the final candidates with specific test cases and justification criteria. Best practices and lessons learned about Big Data, advanced analytics and public cloud services will also be discussed.

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