Cloud Expo Silicon Valley: Encryption – Getting Peace of Mind in the Cloud

Security remains a high consideration for adoption of Cloud. Protection of data is at the center of a Cloud security strategy. Where the data is stored, how the data is secured, and who has access to the data? Encryption is one of the key technologies to address these concerns, securing data in the cloud, and to provide peace of mind to cloud adopters.
Like any other technology, no single solution fits all scenarios. Should you use full disk encryption, database encryption technologies or an encryption gateway? Is there a need to encrypt backup data? You have to address these and many other questions while planning for an encryption solution. There are many considerations related to transparency, usability, and ease of management. There are also issues related to who owns, manages and has access to encryption keys. On top of that, a solution that works well in an IaaS cloud may not work well in an SaaS environment.

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