Cloud Expo: How to Accelerate the Need for Cloud-Based Applications

According to IDC Research, cloud-based applications (apps) consumed via software-as-a-service (SaaS) will grow nearly five times faster than traditional on-premise application development. SaaS-based apps address a company’s desire to increase business capabilities without the need for additional capital expenditure and/or IT resources. These next-generation apps must be configurable without the need for IT and empower the business to easily adapt to market demand, be accessible through multiple touch points (Web, Mobile, Social), and support bi-directional end-user interaction with existing enterprise systems.
In his session at the 13th International Cloud Expo®, Jesse Shiah, CEO & Co-Founder of AgilePoint, will highlight how AgilePoint enables customers to modernize their IT infrastructure with cloud-based applications and reap the benefits of SaaS. Our business-oriented development platform provides a collaborative environment where the business and IT can create these applications with minimal code. Come and join us to see how companies are doing more with less.

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