Cloud Expo: Delivering Competitive Applications in the ‘Cloud of Clouds’

With the rapid rise of open cloud services, organizations face a future of sourcing and integrating functionality from multiple open APIs. But harnessing this API-centric ‘cloud of clouds’ to deliver competitive applications is not simple. You will need to understand and adopt new disciplines, processes, and technologies – like service analysis, cloud brokering, process orchestration, service integration, agile development, accelerated testing, devops collaboration, continuous delivery and, of course, API management and security.
In his session at the 13th International Cloud Expo®, technology strategist Andi Mann (author of Visible Ops – Private Cloud and The Innovative CIO) will explain how the new digital enterprise can take advantage of this API-centric ‘cloud of clouds’ to deliver new competitive applications faster, cheaper and safer. Aimed at an architect-level audience, this session will include multiple case studies, implementation advice, execution best practices and other practical lessons.

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