Cloud Expo: Converging OpenStack Compute with NexentaStor Storage

Reliable, scalable storage is a key component of cloud deployments. Those deploying an infrastructure cloud frequently opt for network-attached storage (NAS) over local storage, to make it simpler to implement enterprise-grade features.
By combining OpenStack Compute, today’s industry-standard open source cloud platform, with NexentaStor, the most popular open storage solution, companies can build clouds that are feature rich, avoid vendor lock-in, offer complete control of the stack, and reduce costs by unlocking the ability to use less expensive commodity hardware.
In his session at the 13th International Cloud Expo®, Boris Renski, Co-Founder & Executive Vice President of Mirantis, will discuss how Mirantis, a leader in engineering services for OpenStack Cloud, and Nexenta, which provides enterprise-class storage solutions, integrated NexentaStor with OpenStack Compute.

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