Cloud Computing Promotes Less Energy Consumption on Data Storage

It is estimated that with more and more companies switching to cloud computing methods for data storage that the impact will lead to a 31 percent reduction on the amount of energy consumption and emission of greenhouse gases by data storage facilities. This is extremely beneficial for the environment, as well as companies that may be trying to reduce their overall carbon footprint, remember, every little bit helps. Due to these estimations more and more cloud services are being offered, further enhancing the benefits offered to businesses who take advantage of these services.
Grid storage: When you access the gird computing capabilities of cloud services you can actually provision the amount of resources that are turned on or off. However, they have taken this a step further with something known as on demand provisioning of resources. This will ensure the elimination of over provisioning when used in conjunction with the pricing of utilities. There is no over provision which basically means you pay for what you use.

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