Cloud and Mobile Combine to Set ERP Free

Business management and ERP have undergone huge technological, social and economic shifts. The explosion of cloud computing, mobility of business users, Big Data demands and microscopic focus on cost cutting are changing the pace and direction of every company’s IT strategy.
Five years ago cloud computing was more expensive than on-premise, analytical data was difficult to curate and the benchmark in usability, especially on mobile devices, was set extremely low. Today’s advances in these areas create massive opportunities for large and small businesses to take advantage of the best tools, infrastructure and user interfaces modern technology has to offer.
Previously, reliable business management systems often resulted from massively complex and expensive ERP systems supported through in-house or custom developed “front-line worker” tools. Mobile technology and the impact of Big Data has not only leveled the playing field, but shifted the balance of power to the cloud. Companies such as Amazon and Google have led the way in reducing cost of and building confidence in the cloud, to such an extent that those arguments in favor of running in-house vs. cloud no longer apply.

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