CIOs still reluctant to adopt cloud, says new survey

A new report from sourcing providers Alsbridge has revealed that, in the UK, cloud computing accounts for only one fifth of the IT budget.

This puts doubt in the thinking that cloud adoption in the infrastructure as a service (IaaS) market is accelerating – or, more particularly, that executives see cloud as the cornerstone of a bright, shiny IT future.

Last month research from Robert Half Technology revealed how cloud computing is the most lucrative skill to have in the IT job market.

Yet this survey, of 50 UK senior IT decision makers, indicates a relatively slow uptake. IaaS is the smallest cloud market in terms of investment, with 20% of respondents using compute and only 14% using storage-based adoption.

That’s not to say companies aren’t in the cloud full stop; 92% of companies are using cloud, with software as a service (SaaS) at 70% uptake and platform as …