Challenges of data privacy in the era of cloud computing

More than eight in ten companies are now using some form of cloud computing solution; proof that the benefits of the cloud are becoming more widely accepted amongst enterprises.

Moreover, positive steps are being made toward further boosting cloud services in the EU.

In September, Neelie Kroes, Europe’s Commissioner for the Digital Agenda, released the paper, «Unleashing the Potential of Cloud Computing in Europe.» This outlines a number of recommendations designed to drive European businesses and the public sector into the cloud. The goal is to create 2.5 million new European jobs and boost GDP in the Single Market to EUR 160 billion by 2020.

Data security in the cloud

However, whilst European organisations are being won over by the benefits, confusion still surrounds the issue of data security and privacy in the cloud.

Data is having an increasingly hard time crossing boundaries for this reason. Countries are …