Asure Software, Inc. today announced that it has released a new version of Resource Scheduler, a SaaS-based application for managing shared workspace and other organizational assets. This new release follows the July 2, 2012 acquisition of PeopleCube, making Asure the largest global provider of cloud-based workplace management solutions.
“The release of Resource Scheduler version 9.2 is a significant milestone for Asure and its clients, as it represents the first product release following Asure Software’s acquisition of PeopleCube,” said Pat Goepel, Asure’s Chief Executive Officer. “We are thrilled that we have been able to deliver this release as originally scheduled, reaffirming our commitment to our clients and supporting our vision that we will aggressively invest in ongoing product innovation for not just Resource Scheduler, but for the AsureSpace product line as a whole.”
The PeopleCube solution set has been incorporated into the AsureSpace workspace management platform, joining Asure’s existing Meeting Room Manager scheduling application. The addition of Resource Scheduler, Workspace Manager, PeopleCounter, Workplace BI, and Energy Management to the AsureSpace platform creates a comprehensive suite of workspace management solutions that helps organizations of any size maximize the efficient utilization of shared organization assets.
Over time, Asure will integrate Workspace Manager and Meeting Room Manager, combining the extensive office hoteling features of Workspace Manager with the best-in-class room scheduling capabilities in Meeting Room Manager.
“The acquisition of PeopleCube creates a powerhouse in the workspace management market by delivering increased measurable value to our clients,” continued Goepel. “Our customers will benefit tremendously from the combined organization. With additional investment applied to ongoing product research and development, expanded cloud-based offerings, new LCD panel scheduling capabilities, and a larger services and support team than the organization size of most of our competitors, we have greatly strengthened our ability to help improve the efficiencies of our clients each and every day.”
Resource Scheduler 9.2 features enhancements to improve telework and related office hoteling programs, including available support for importing CAD floorplan diagrams and integration with Brivo card readers for simple hoteling check-in. The release also includes integration with BT/Engage to support the scheduling of video conferencing equipment and services through Resource Scheduler, enhancing clients’ collaboration using the BT/Engage platform.
“Resource Scheduler has long been a leading solution of choice for organizations of all sizes to help maximize the efficient utilization of shared resources and other assets,” said John T. Anderson, Asure’s Executive Vice President. “This release of Resource Scheduler supports Asure’s strategy of delivering measureable value to its clients by streamlining the management of video conferencing services and shared workspace, both key components to enhanced collaboration and productivity of today’s modern workforce.”