AWS Gets Its Own Form of Obamacare

Israeli-based Newvem, a start-up cloud operation analytics service, can do triage, so to speak, on anybody’s Amazon installation, pinpointing where the user or corporation of any size may be losing money by using the widgetry incorrectly or over-provisioning with resources that are too big for the job.
A user can stay up-to-date in real-time with what he’s spending on Amazon compute or storage, and find out precisely what resources are being deployed or where his governance is going awry.
From what it’s seen so far, the company estimates that 50% of Amazon users have security issues, 30% run an outage risk and 15% under-utilization problems.
Since Newvem started offering a free beta of its just released Amazon Cloud Care healthcare service eight months ago, its top 25 customers, mostly large accounts, have upped their use of the Amazon cloud anywhere from 3x to a whopping 70x.

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