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How Cloud Governance Can Provide Cost Saving Benefits | @CloudExpo #Cloud #Security #Compliance

Cloud Governance means many things to many people. Heck, just the word cloud means different things depending on who you are talking to. While definitions can vary, controlling access to cloud resources is invariably a central piece of any governance program.

Enterprise cloud computing has transformed IT. Cloud computing decreases time-to-market, improves agility by allowing businesses to adapt quickly to changing market demands, and, ultimately, drives down costs.

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Improving Operational Efficiency in Healthcare | @CloudExpo #API #Cloud #Analytics

The notion of improving operational efficiency is conspicuously absent from the healthcare debate – neither Obamacare nor the newly proposed GOP plan discusses the impact that a step-function improvement in efficiency could have on access to healthcare (through more capacity), quality of healthcare services (through reduced wait times for patients) or cost (through better utilization of scarce, expensive assets).

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[slides] Flip the Switch to Container Clouds | @CloudExpo @DateraInc #CloudNative #DevOps #Kubernetes

Modern software design has fundamentally changed how we manage applications, causing many to turn to containers as the new virtual machine for resource management. As container adoption grows beyond stateless applications to stateful workloads, the need for persistent storage is foundational – something customers routinely cite as a top pain point. In his session at @DevOpsSummit at 21st Cloud Expo, Bill Borsari, Head of Systems Engineering at Datera, explored how organizations can reap the benefits of the cloud without losing performance as containers become the new paradigm.

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[video] Are You Ready for GDPR? | @CloudExpo @CalligoCloud #DX #Cloud #Compliance

In his general session at 21st Cloud Expo, Greg Dumas, Calligo’s Vice President and G.M. of US operations, discussed the new Global Data Protection Regulation and how Calligo can help business stay compliant in digitally globalized world.
Greg Dumas is Calligo’s Vice President and G.M. of US operations. Calligo is an established service provider that provides an innovative platform for trusted cloud solutions. Calligo’s customers are typically most concerned about GDPR compliance, application performance guarantees & data privacy.

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[video] How Serverless Changes Cloud, and Your Job | @CloudExpo @CloudTP #CloudNative #Serverless #DevOps

In a recent survey, Sumo Logic surveyed 1,500 customers who employ cloud services such as Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform (GCP). According to the survey, a quarter of the respondents have already deployed Docker containers and nearly as many (23 percent) are employing the AWS Lambda serverless computing framework.
It’s clear: serverless is here to stay. The adoption does come with some needed changes, within both application development and operations. That means serverless is also changing the way we leverage public clouds. Truth-be-told, many enterprise IT shops were so happy to get out of the management of physical servers within a data center that many limitations of the existing public IaaS clouds were forgiven. However, now that we’ve lived a few years with public IaaS clouds, developers and CloudOps pros are giving a huge thumbs down to the constant monitoring of servers, provisioned or not, that’s required to support the workloads.

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[slides] Modernize Your Applications | @CloudExpo @InteractorTeam #DX #AI #IoT #SDN

Most technology leaders, contemporary and from the hardware era, are reshaping their businesses to do software. They hope to capture value from emerging technologies such as IoT, SDN, and AI. Ultimately, irrespective of the vertical, it is about deriving value from independent software applications participating in an ecosystem as one comprehensive solution. In his session at @ThingsExpo, Kausik Sridhar, founder and CTO of Pulzze Systems, discussed how given the magnitude of today’s application ecosystem, tweaking existing software to stitch various components together leads to sub-optimal solutions. This definitely deserves a re-think, and paves the way for a new breed of lightweight application servers that are micro-services and DevOps ready!

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Cloud Analytics: How You Can Accurately Analyze Your Cloud Cost | @CloudExpo #API #Cloud #Analytics

In 2011, Marc Andreessen wrote a thought provoking article in the Wall Street Journal that software is eating the world. Today, in 2017, we can say that cloud transformation is happening all around us and cloud is now indeed eating the world. While Cloud services consumption is becoming prolific within the enterprises, it is often challenging to decipher who is using the cloud, how much is it being used and for what purposes ? Further, is the usage of cloud across the enterprise optimal? While migration to cloud is saving money, not utilizing the cloud resources optimally is nullifying some of the monetary gains. In order to better govern the cloud resources, a top notch cloud analytics engine is the need of the hour.

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Have You Started Your Infrastructure as Code (IaC) Journey? | @CloudExpo #IaaS #Cloud #Analytics

Recent survey done across top 500 fortune companies shows almost 70% of the CIO have either heard about IAC from their infrastructure head or they are on their way to implement IAC. Yet if you look under the hood while some level of automation has been done, most of the infrastructure is still managed in much tradition/legacy way. So, what is Infrastructure as Code? how do you determine if your IT infrastructure is truly automated?

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[slides] Nordstrom’s Cloud Transformation | @CloudExpo #DX #Cloud #DevOps

Nordstrom is transforming the way that they do business and the cloud is the key to enabling speed and hyper personalized customer experiences. In his session at 21st Cloud Expo, Ken Schow, VP of Engineering at Nordstrom, discussed some of the key learnings and common pitfalls of large enterprises moving to the cloud. This includes strategies around choosing a cloud provider(s), architecture, and lessons learned. In addition, he covered some of the best practices for structured team migration and discussed ways to control cloud costs.

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[slides] Hybrid Cloud-Based Apps | @CloudExpo @Cedexis #APM #Monitoring

The dynamic nature of the cloud means that change is a constant when it comes to modern cloud-based infrastructure. Delivering modern applications to end users, therefore, is a constantly shifting challenge. Delivery automation helps IT Ops teams ensure that apps are providing an optimal end user experience over hybrid-cloud and multi-cloud environments, no matter what the current state of the infrastructure is. To employ a delivery automation strategy that reflects your business rules, making real-time decisions based on a combination of real user monitoring, synthetic testing, APM, NGINX / local load balancers, and other data sources, is critical.

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