One of my work projects was for BT, to launch and drive demand for one of the first UCaaS offerings, based on the Microsoft Lync technology. Unified Communications and Collaboration A key resource developed by the team was a UC maturity model, quite an under-rated document I always thought. What the document highlights is that
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There’s Only One Rule to Success By @IanKhanLive | @CloudExpo #Cloud
We all are striving for success. Whether it’s in our personal or professional lives, that’s what we do every day, day in and out. Finding ways to succeed, learning new things that make us succeed, and engaging in conversations that help us succeed. I have yet to meet someone who said I am doing things so that I can fail. I am sure you agree.
Success has different meaning to different people. For some, being able to generate more wealth is a sign of success, while for others helping to make a difference in someone else’s life is success. For most of us, I believe it’s a blend of so many things. What is the magic formula for success and what really is this one thing that can drive us to success in every way, in everything, every time!
When Will Cloud Come to PaaS? By @CKeene | @CloudExpo #Cloud
One of the perennial cloud predictions has been that 200x would be the year of the Platform as a Service (PaaS) cloud. The logic goes that if an automated data center in the sky is good, an automated development platform in the sky must be even better.
“Normal” clouds like Amazon AWS give the developer a virtual computer to load their OS and App onto. PaaS gives the developer a virtual computer with the OS, database and middleware “pre-loaded,” thereby simplifying the deployment.
Yet so far, PaaS adoption has been anemic and Gartner puts PaaS at 1% of the overall cloud market. At the same time, new technologies like Docker and containers have attracted far more attention from the developer community.
WSM Announces Migration Services Agreement with @WhoaCloud | @CloudExpo @WSMINTL #Cloud
WSM International, the pioneer and leader in server migration services, has announced an agreement with, a leader in providing secure public, private and hybrid cloud computing services.
Under terms of the agreement, WSM will provide migration services to customers to relocate some or all of their applications, digital assets, and other computing workloads to enterprise-class, secure cloud infrastructure. The migration services include detailed evaluation and planning to facilitate a smooth transition to cloud computing resources.
SDN: How Software Has Re(Defined) Networking By @Stratustician | @CloudExpo #Cloud
Over the last few years we’ve seen just about every part of the data centre move towards virtualization and software. First we virtualized desktops, then storage, then even our security tools. So when the idea of Software Defined Networking (SDN) started being floated around, it wasn’t a big surprise. But what exactly is it?
[session] Gaining IoT Insight | @ThingsExpo @MSCloud #IoT #M2M #API #RTC #InternetOfThings
As more and more data is generated from a variety of connected devices, the need to get insights from this data and predict future behavior and trends is increasingly essential for businesses. Real-time stream processing is needed in a variety of different industries such as Manufacturing, Oil and Gas, Automobile, Finance, Online Retail, Smart Grids, and Healthcare. Azure Stream Analytics is a fully managed distributed stream computation service that provides low latency, scalable processing of streaming data in the cloud with an enterprise grade SLA. It features built-in integration with Azure Machine Learning, enabling you to invoke machine learning modules over streaming data to perform anomaly detection, classification, and other predictive analytics in real time.
DataClear to Exhibit at @CloudExpo | #Cloud #DevOps #IoT #Microservices
SYS-CON Events announced today that DataClear Inc. will exhibit at the 17th International Cloud Expo®, which will take place on November 3–5, 2015, at the Santa Clara Convention Center in Santa Clara, CA.
The DataClear ‘BlackBox’ is the only solution that moves your PC, browsing and data out of the United States and away from prying (and spying) eyes. Its solution automatically builds you a clean, on-demand, virus free, new virtual cloud based PC outside of the United States, and wipes it clean, destroying it completely when you log out. If you wish to store your data, the solution will include a custom data encryption system with multiple factor authentication. DataClear also provides a corporate solution for multiple networked users and secure cloud based servers.
Three Steps to Enable Rock Solid Cloud Security By @IanKhanLive | @CloudExpo #Cloud
Cloud security is at the top of every CIO’s list. It is also the first subject that comes up when you engage in a discussion about the cloud. For those of us who followed the recent Ashley Madison story (from a tech perspective), you would agree that while the breach happened for so many reasons, security is at the heart of it. Here are some key aspects for creating a solid organization, keeping cloud security in perspective.
Converged Infrastructure vs. Hyperconvergence By @Stratustician | @CloudExpo #Cloud
While the idea of converged infrastructure isn’t that new, and we’ve seen some strong efforts from vendors over the last few years to drive more adoption, the uptake from enterprises has been met with some challenges. In 2014, and now in 2015, organizations are not just looking to gain bigger returns on their cloud investments, but
Log Aggregation Across Dev and Ops | @DevOpsSummit #DevOps #Docker #Containers #Microservices
The pricing of tools or licenses for log aggregation can have a significant effect on organizational culture and the collaboration between Dev and Ops teams.
Modern tools for log aggregation (of which Logentries is one example) can be hugely enabling for DevOps approaches to building and operating business-critical software systems. However, the pricing of an aggregated logging solution can affect the adoption of modern logging techniques, as well as organizational capabilities and cross-team collaboration. We need to choose our log aggregation tools carefully to make sure that we don’t introduce unintended barriers or silos driven by unhelpful pricing.