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How to Bring DevOps to Everyone | @DevOpsSummit #DevOps #BigData #API

The principles behind DevOps are not new – for decades people have been automating system administration and decreasing the time to deploy apps and perform other management tasks. However, only recently did we see the tools and the will necessary to share the benefits and power of automation with a wider circle of people.
In his session at DevOps Summit, Bernard Sanders, Chief Technology Officer at CloudBolt Software, will explore the latest tools including Puppet, Chef, Docker, and CMPs needed to move from an insulated culture where automation is absent or hoarded to one where the power of DevOps is shared.

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The Mid Week Motivator – How to Get Things Done! By @IanKhanLive | @CloudExpo #Cloud

Are you a winner? Are you someone who always gets what they want? Are you one of those people who do what they set their eyes on no matter what the circumstances? If you answered yes to all of these questions then you are among the highly successful people in the world that have a proven formula for success. If you did not answer yes to all of these questions, you are part of the other majority in the world that tries to succeed but has good and bad days. This post is for the majority – because you have some catching up to do.

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Secure Applications By @CloudRaxak | @CloudExpo #BigData #SaaS #API #IoT

Businesses want to take advantage of the flexibility and cost benefits of running applications in the public cloud. To balance the benefits and risks, businesses need to deliver consistent security compliance across both private and public clouds. To develop their security compliance strategy, executives need to determine what cloud workloads to secure and how to secure them.
In his session at 17th Cloud Expo, Sesh Murthy, Co-Founder and SVP of Sales and Customer Care, will show how any business can automate security compliance for any workload in the cloud.

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eBook: Why IT Struggles with Mobility | @CloudExpo @OutSystems #Cloud

The mobile tsunami has arrived and app dev is experiencing similar growing pains experienced in past decades. Choices in standards, architecture, device priorities, and a broad landscape of device types pose significant challenges for IT today.
This eBook draws from the experience of industry veterans to simplify the enterprise mobile app dev journey and make your organization’s transition into mobility a smooth one.

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Application Data Loss By @eFolder | @CloudExpo #Cloud #BigData #IoT #API

Data loss happens, even in the cloud. In fact, if your company has adopted a cloud application in the past three years, data loss has probably happened, whether you know it or not.
In his session at 17th Cloud Expo, Bryan Forrester, Senior Vice President of Sales at eFolder, will present how common and costly cloud application data loss is and what measures you can take to protect your organization from data loss.

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IoT Maturity Model By @TonyShan | @ThingsExpo #IoT #M2M #API #BigData #InternetOfThings

The Internet of Things Maturity Model (IoTMM) is a qualitative method to gauge the growth and increasing impact of IoT capabilities in an IT environment from both a business and technology perspective.
In his session at @ThingsExpo, Tony Shan will first scan the IoT landscape and investigate the major challenges and barriers. The key areas of consideration are identified to get started with IoT journey. He will then pinpoint the need of a tool for effective IoT adoption and implementation, which leads to IoTMM in which five maturity levels are defined: Advanced, Dynamic, Optimized, Primitive, and Tentative (ADOPT).
Subsequently he will characterize the IoT maturity continuum at each individual level, followed by a description of key enablers. He will then walk through the technical architecture and components for the selected enablers to illustrate the building blocks to construct IoT solutions. Further he will articulate how to leverage IoTMM in the real world. Best practices and lessons learned are discussed during the session.

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What Foot Traffic Says About Your Store & Customers | @CloudExpo #Cloud

Ever wondered if your marketing efforts for an in-store sale or event are impacting, or even reaching, your customers? Foot traffic is a great indicator of marketing effectiveness. By comparing foot traffic before, during and after sale promotions you’re able to identify if any increases (or decreases) have occurred, giving you a better understanding of how a marketing campaign worked or why it didn’t work.

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Disaster Recovery Survival By @NaviSite | @CloudExpo #IoT #BigData #DevOps

Does your data center strategy contain a few, potential dark, rain clouds of unknown costs, sustainability of business continuity? Business continuity has to be purpose driven with real, practical goals while maintaining an achievable cost of ownership.
In his session at 17th Cloud Expo, Joe Thykattil, Technology Architect & Sales at TimeWarner / Navisite, will discuss how to leverage the Service Provider and VMWare Air disaster recovery to the cloud partnership to create your BCDR strategy.

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[session] Running QEMU/KVM Virtual Machines By @DomRodcom | @CloudExpo #Cloud

At first adopted by enterprises to consolidate physical servers, virtualization is now widely used in cloud computing to offer elasticity and scalability. On the other hand, Docker has developed a new way to handle Linux containers, inspired by version control software such as Git, which allows you to keep all development versions.
In his session at 17th Cloud Expo, Dominique Rodrigues, the co-founder and CTO of Nanocloud Software, will discuss how in order to also handle QEMU / KVM virtual machines versions, they have developed a new tool, called Vm_commit, which can create commits, backup any commit, rollback to a previous commit or rebase all the commits up to a given one for any running virtual machine, on the fly.

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