Discussions of cloud computing have evolved in recent years from a focus on specific types of cloud, to a world of hybrid cloud, and to a world dominated by the APIs that make today’s multi-cloud environments and hybrid clouds possible.
In this Power Panel at 17th Cloud Expo, moderated by Conference Chair Roger Strukhoff, panelists will address the importance of customers being able to use the specific technologies they need, through environments and ecosystems that expose their APIs to make true change and transformation possible.
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VW Emissions Scandal and IoT | @ThingsExpo #IoT #M2M #InternetOfThings
If the calibration engineer does the calibration incorrectly – or a malefactor intentionally introduces a miscalibration – then the end result would be off. Every time. Even though there was nothing wrong with the sensor data, no security breach between the sensor and emissions device, and furthermore, every line of code in the device was completely correct.
In fact, the only way to detect a calibration attack is by running an independent analog test. In other words, someone would have to get their own exhaust particulate measuring device and run tests on real vehicles to see if the emissions device was properly calibrated.
The Business of Internet of Things | @ThingsExpo @EmbeddedExperts #IoT
Too often with compelling new technologies market participants become overly enamored with that attractiveness of the technology and neglect underlying business drivers. This tendency, what some call the “newest shiny object syndrome” is understandable given that virtually all of us are heavily engaged in technology. But it is also mistaken. Without concrete business cases driving its deployment, IoT, like many other technologies before it, will fade into obscurity.
IoT Is Transforming Our Lives | @ThingsExpo #IoT #M2M #Microservices
Whatever happened to those intelligent fridges we were promised? The ones that would send you a message telling you to order more oranges, or notify your online retailer to deliver more dairy. Those clever fridges were the most talked about example of how the ‘Internet of Things’ (IoT) was meant to transform our lives. But they never quite arrived.
Is the IoT myth or reality? And if it is reality, what impact is it likely to have on our everyday lives? And why does business automation hold the key to IoT success in your organization? It’s time to find out.
The Microwave Culture – Business Continuity and the Cloud By @EFeatherston | @CloudExpo #Cloud
We live in a microwave culture. I use this phrase often when discussing business needs with clients, especially in the context of leveraging technology to address those needs. Sometimes I will get a puzzled look, other times I will get some head nods in agreement and understanding. When I use this phrase, I’m talking about how the microwave has affected our culture from an end-user expectation perspective. There is an expectation of getting what I want when I want it, and an immediacy built into that expectation. The microwave turned hours into minutes, and minutes into seconds. There tends to be very little patience for waiting for something, whether it be food, service, or technology. When discussing business needs and the underlying technologies supporting those needs, end-user expectations and perceptions must be taken into account.
Practicing Capitalism with APIs By @AndyThurai | @CloudExpo #Cloud
As with most modernized economies, the United States economy utilizes capitalist principles. It is only fitting that we invented a technological solution that will help companies engage in c-api-talism using APIs in a more efficient manner.
If we look back into the history of mankind, we progressed towards more civilized, mature, monetary-based economies on a steady basis. The progression from the Stone Age, to the Bronze Age, to the Iron Age, to the Industrial Age and to the current Digital Age all made strides towards the current digital economy.
What is BPM? | @CloudExpo #DevOps #BPM #Microservices
A business process is any sequence of events or tasks that must be performed for a business to operate. For example, a customer’s purchase resulting in a delivery is a key business process that exists in all for-profit organizations. BPM is neither task management or project management (although it can occur within a project context). BPM is focused more on repetitive ongoing processes that follow a predictable pattern.
What’s New in CA APM 10.1 | @CloudExpo #APM #Microservices
Microservices architecture compartmentalize the application by function allowing for greater application flexibility, portability and an increase in update/changes. This architecture introduces new layer of monitoring challenges to an already complex application environment. The strides and enhancements we made in CA APM 10 with APM Team Center Perspectives, Timeline views and Differential Analysis has helped us to make strides in solving these challenges of monitoring microservices that include:
DevOps and Containers By @Siruslan | @DevOpsSummit #Microservices
Containers have changed the mind of IT in DevOps. They enable developers to work with dev, test, stage and production environments identically. Containers provide the right abstraction for microservices and many cloud platforms have integrated them into deployment pipelines. DevOps and containers together help companies achieve their business goals faster and more effectively.
In his session at DevOps Summit, Ruslan Synytsky, CEO and Co-founder of Jelastic, will review the current landscape of DevOps with containers and the benefits. In addition, he will discuss known issues and solutions for enterprise applications in containers.
DevOps Continuous Testing | @DevOpsSummit @Spirent #Microservices
Everyone talks about continuous integration and continuous delivery but those are just two ends of the pipeline. In the middle of DevOps is continuous testing (CT), and many organizations are struggling to implement continuous testing effectively. After all, without continuous testing there is no delivery. And Lab-As-A-Service (LaaS) enhances the CT with dynamic on-demand self-serve test topologies. CT together with LAAS make a powerful combination that perfectly serves complex software development and delivery pipelines. Software Defined Networks (SDNs) turns the network into a flexible configurable system of software components and connections that is powerful but presents new complexities and challenges for network software development, delivery and deployments.