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Guide: Protect Your Cloud Apps | @CloudExpo @CloudRaxak #Microservices

Cloud computing delivers on-demand IT resources that provide businesses flexibility. The challenge is the cost and complexity of cloud security compliance (PCI, HIPAA, FFIEC). Raxak Protect automated cloud security enables cloud apps to be deployed quickly and cost-effectively. Get the guide to decreasing your security costs up to 50% through automated cloud security.

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Angular, TypeScript, SystemJS, and Browser Cache | @ThingsExpo @YFain

I was writing a small app in Angular 2 in TypeScript with the on-the-fly transpiling by SystemJS.

I needed to implement a router that would switch between the Home and ProductDetail views in a single page app.

The root component had two links and was supposed to render either Home or ProductDetail components depending on which link the user clicks. Angular 2 offers a pretty elegant syntax for this:

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GE’s Industrial IoT as a Service | @ThingsExpo #IoT #M2M #API #Microservices

In their session at @ThingsExpo, Shyam Varan Nath, Principal Architect at GE, and Ibrahim Gokcen, who leads GE’s advanced IoT analytics, focused on the Internet of Things / Industrial Internet and how to make it operational for business end-users. Learn about the challenges posed by machine and sensor data and how to marry it with enterprise data. They also discussed the tips and tricks to provide the Industrial Internet as an end-user consumable service using Big Data Analytics and Industrial Cloud.

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Ericsson Named @CloudExpo Silver Sponsor | @Ericsson #IoT #Microservices

SYS-CON Events announced today that Ericsson has been named “Silver Sponsor” of SYS-CON’s 17th Cloud Expo, which will take place on November 3–5, 2015, at the Santa Clara Convention Center in Santa Clara, CA.
Ericsson strives to connect everyone, wherever they may be. Because by being connected, people can take part in the emerging global collaboration that is the Networked Society – a society in which every person and every industry is empowered to reach their full potential.

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Enabling the Internet of Things By @RedHatNews at @ThingsExpo Silicon Valley

The IoT’s basic concept of collecting data from as many sources possible to drive better decision making, create process innovation and realize additional revenue has been in use at large enterprises with deep pockets for decades. So what has changed?
In his session at @ThingsExpo, Prasanna Sivaramakrishnan, Solutions Architect at Red Hat, will discuss the impact commodity hardware, ubiquitous connectivity, and innovations in open source software are having on the connected universe of people, things and information in the IoT.

read more to Present at @DevOpsSummit | @Logzio #DevOps #Microservices

In their session at DevOps Summit, Asaf Yigal, co-founder and the VP of Product at, and Tomer Levy, co-founder and CEO of, will explore the entire process that they have undergone – through research, benchmarking, implementation, optimization, and customer success – in developing a processing engine that can handle petabytes of data.
They will also discuss the requirements of such an engine in terms of scalability, resilience, security, and availability along with how the architecture accomplishes these requirements.
Lastly, they will review the gory details of the technologies they have chosen, which are based mostly on open source platforms including Kafka, Elasticsearch, and Docker as well as other proprietary technologies.

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Big Data in the Cloud | @CloudExpo #IoT #BigData #Microservices

The cloud promises agility for companies wanting to utilize it for Big Data, but it can be challenging to understand all the new options and approaches – from IaaS and PaaS to newer services like HaaS and BDaaS. It’s an important concept to understand as more than half of enterprises plan to use the cloud for Big Data.
In her session at 17th Cloud Expo, Hannah Smalltree, a director with Cazena, will discuss the emerging technology categories for Big Data and the cloud, and hear important considerations for your decision. In addition, you’ll get common evaluation criteria to help evaluate and rank your options.

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Cloudify: TOSCA Orchestration of Microservices | @CloudExpo #Microservices

Martin Fowler describes how infrastructure automation is a key enabler of microservices:

“Many of the products or systems being build with microservices are being built by teams with extensive experience of Continuous Delivery and it’s precursor, Continuous Integration. Teams building software this way make extensive use of infrastructure automation techniques. This is illustrated in the build pipeline shown below.”

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Gamification and the Internet of Things | @ThingsExpo #IoT #API #Microservices

Most people haven’t heard the word, “gamification,” even though they probably, and perhaps unwittingly, participate in it every day.
Gamification is “the process of adding games or game-like elements to something (as a task) so as to encourage participation.” Further, gamification is about bringing game mechanics – rules, constructs, processes, and methods – into the real world in an effort to engage people.
In his session at @ThingsExpo, Robert Endo, owner and engagement manager of Intrepid Data, will discuss how wearables, analytics, and geospatial technologies can be combined to transform the world into the ultimate game board. Organizations can grasp consumer, employee, or client intrinsic interest by setting up cool, collaborative, and rewarding systems using the IoT.

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