I am not a data scientist or an expert in knowing how to build candlestick charts from historical stock prices. I am however a data enthusiast and it fascinates me when I hear people talk about Big Data, like they invented it. Sorry, no offense meant, but really how did we just jump to Big Data without even creating an understanding about any kind of data?
Information in any shape, form or face is a brilliant resource. We work with information every day and, if you look at it, nothing runs without information. Every business of every size across the world works on information – even the smallest corner store to the corporations working in large glass towers. This information is of many types: accounting information, sales data, marketing stats, customer information, and purchase order information, patient information, hosting information and so on. Everything we know has some kind of information associated with it. Do we agree so far? Yes we do.
Todas las entradas hechas por Latest News from @CloudExpo
Kurento and WebRTC Business Models | @ThingsExpo #IoT #M2M #RTC #WebRTC
WebRTC services have already permeated corporate communications in the form of videoconferencing solutions. However, WebRTC has the potential of going beyond and catalyzing a new class of services providing more than calls with capabilities such as mass-scale real-time media broadcasting, enriched and augmented video, person-to-machine and machine-to-machine communications.
In his session at @ThingsExpo, Luis Lopez, CEO of Kurento, will introduce the technologies required for implementing these ideas and some early experiments performed in the Kurento open source software community in areas such as entertainment, video surveillance, interactive media broadcasting, gaming or advertising. He will conclude with a discussion of their potential business applications beyond plain call models.
Survey Finds Database in the Cloud Taking over in Enterprises | @CloudExpo #Cloud
A survey conducted by 451 Research, sponsored by Tesora, finds 68 percent of enterprises are using databases in the cloud. While initial adoption of database-as-a-service (DBaaS) offerings from cloud providers – especially Amazon Web Services – have posed a challenge to the incumbent on-premises database vendors, the survey results indicate that those incumbents are likely to maintain their dominance as adoption of DBaaS moves mainstream.
Announcing @OReillyMedia Named ‘Media Sponsor’ of @CloudExpo Silicon Valley | #IoT #Cloud
SYS-CON Events announced today that O’Reilly Media has been named “Media Sponsor” of SYS-CON’s 17th International Cloud Expo®, which will take place on November 3–5, 2015, at the Santa Clara Convention Center in Santa Clara, CA.
O’Reilly spreads the knowledge of innovators through its technology books, online services, research, and tech conferences. An active participant in the technology community, O’Reilly has a long history of advocacy, meme-making, and evangelism.
Announcing @TechTarget Named ‘Media Sponsor’ of @CloudExpo Silicon Valley | #IoT #Cloud
SYS-CON Events announced today that TechTarget has been named “Media Sponsor” of SYS-CON’s 17th International Cloud Expo®, which will take place on November 3–5, 2015, at the Santa Clara Convention Center in Santa Clara, CA.
TechTarget storage websites are the best online information resource for news, tips and expert advice for the storage, backup and disaster recovery markets.
Tune into the Cloud: Simple Plan | @CloudExpo #IoT #BigData
The phrase that whoever “Fails to Plan” actually “Plans to Fail” also applies to cloud computing. Many organisations are therefor putting together a cloud strategy. The question is whether the establishment of a company-wide cloud strategy is the right way. After all, the use of Cloud is not an end but a means, or as the IT manager of a large Dutch retail organisation recently succinctly put it: “For us cloud is not a strategy, but a useful set of tactics”.
How to Harness the Power of Digital Transformation By @IsaacGe0rge | @CloudExpo #Cloud
Right now it feels like the whole world is moving to digital at breakneck speed. Banks, insurance companies, retailers and large manufacturers are all looking at how they can digitally transform the organisation to keep up with customer demand, business expectations and compete globally. However, while digital transformation is becoming all-pervasive agreement on what digital transformation actually means, how to leverage its potential, and most importantly how to make a digital transformation project a success still remains elusive for many.
‘C’ What Your IAM System Lacks in a Customer-Centric World | @CloudExpo #Cloud
The age of mobile applications, pervasive use of social media and growing demand for accurate consumer data are converging to drive significant changes in how organizations connect with and market to their respective customer bases — as well as the technologies they use to do so. It’s becoming increasingly clear that legacy technologies that weren’t purpose-built for consumer-facing use cases will no longer suffice.
Take, for instance, identity and access management (IAM) systems. Historically used to manage a business’s internal employee records, many brands leverage modified IAM systems to manage their customer identity records as well. These brands are finding, however, that there are significant differences between managing corporate data resources and managing exabytes of consumer-generated data, and these differences simply can’t be addressed effectively with IAM systems.
Webair to Give Presentation at @CloudExpo Silicon Valley | @WebairInc #Cloud
Webair, a leading provider of Cloud Hosting, Colocation and Managed solutions, today announces that its Chief Technology Officer, Sagi Brody, will speak at Cloud Expo 2015 Silicon Valley, to be held November 3-5, 2015, at the Santa Clara Convention Center in Santa Clara, California. Cloud Expo 2015 Silicon Valley is a world-class conference that brings together thought-leaders and cutting edge practitioners in the cloud / utility computing, Big Data, Internet of Things (IoT), Software-Defined Data Center (SDDC), DevOps and Web Real-Time Communication (WebRTC) space, which, in addition to prestigious industry keynotes and informative general sessions and panels, features a busy exhibition floor.
AutoTrader to Present at @DevOpsSummit | #DevOps #API #Microservices
IT is often cast in a dichotomy where things are either viewed as traditional, stable, and safe or innovative, impermanent, and vulnerable. There have been multiple attempts to organize these classifications in a fashion that make IT budget and planning more predictable such as various agile methodologies, DevOps, and the bimodal model.
What qualifies as success depends on the customer and producer involved in a project. A survey conducted by Scott Ambler in 2013 suggests that being on schedule is valued more than being on budget, and coding to specification is of the least concern among the three.