DevOps is about increasing efficiency, but nothing is more inefficient than building the same application twice. However, this is a routine occurrence with enterprise applications that need both a rich desktop web interface and strong mobile support. With recent technological advances from Isomorphic Software and others, rich desktop and tuned mobile experiences can now be created with a single codebase – without compromising functionality, performance or usability.
In his session at DevOps Summit, Charles Kendrick, CTO and Chief Architect at Isomorphic Software, demonstrated examples of complex UI widgets that behave differently in desktop vs. mobile context, and described the API and code structures that enable these capabilities.
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Gitrob on the Network | @ThingsExpo #BigData #IoT #M2M #Security
Developers generally like to share their code, and many of them do so by open sourcing it on GitHub, a social code hosting and collaboration service. Many companies also use GitHub as a convenient place to host both private and public code repositories by creating GitHub organizations where employees can be joined. Sometimes Employee might publish things that might be sensitive in nature and these things might lead to compromise of a system.
Wearable Tech: Here to Stay? | @ThingsExpo #IoT #M2M #Wearables
Wearable technology has come a long way since the calculator watch. In the past whenever I thought of the term “wearable technology” the first things I would like of were always calculator watches and pedometers, but boy have things changed! Even if you’re a skeptic, this blogger thinks that pretty much everyone will be using some type of wearable tech by 2020.
It seems like wearable technology is everywhere. Whether it is Google Glass, or the Samsung Galaxy Gear, there seems to be nothing that you can’t tech out. There is Colour Change Couture, fabric that changes color when wet, The Programmable T-shirt, which, when combined with the smartphone app, allows the wearer to display tweets, Facebook statuses, and pictures. Celebs are even getting on the wearable tech bandwagon; Nicole Scherzinger wore a dress made of silk, Swarovski crystals, and 2,000 LED lights that displayed tweets in real time when the hashtag #tweetthedress was used. For more on the future of fashion, check out this slideshow (you really should, there’s some pretty cool stuff in there).
Cloud Platforms: The Crucial Foundation By @BDaleiden | @CloudExpo #Cloud
In today’s pharmaceutical supply chain, counterfeit activity is thriving. As pharma companies have expanded target markets and outsourced production over the last decade, the supply chain has become increasingly global, virtual, and vulnerable. Illicit activity has thrived, and patients have suffered, with hundreds of thousands dying each year from counterfeit and contaminated drugs.
More than 40 countries have responded with new laws that regulate prescription medications as they travel through the supply chain. While this is a quantum leap forward for patient health, the implications for supply chain stakeholders, from pharmaceutical companies and their contract manufacturing partners to the pharmacies that serve patients are daunting: they must master each country’s disparate track and trace requirements; create a system architecture capable of generating, managing, and storing what will be unprecedented volumes of regulated data; and figure out how to efficiently exchange that data with hundreds to tens of thousands of direct and indirect supply chain partners.
Moving Test Environments to the Cloud By @EFeatherston | @CloudExpo #Cloud
How often do you get questions like ‘Have you gone to the cloud yet?’, or ‘Why aren’t we in the cloud?’, or a myriad of others along those same lines. People still talk like the cloud is a destination. I discussed this tendency last year in a blog, “The Cloud – Is It Your Actual Destination?” For all the hype surrounding cloud, the benefits are real. IDC forecasts global public IT Cloud services spending to reach nearly $108B by 2017. Gartner expects that by 2016 the bulk of IT spend will be for the cloud. Those are pretty impressive numbers. The challenge is to remember, cloud is technology, it’s a vehicle, a conduit to help you provide value to the business.
[video] Cross-Channel Marketing in a Cloud-Driven, Digital World By @Adobe | @CloudExpo #Cloud
In his General Session at 17th Cloud Expo, Bruce Swann, Senior Product Marketing Manager for Adobe Campaign, explored the key ingredients of cross-channel marketing in a digital world.
Learn how the Adobe Marketing Cloud can help marketers embrace opportunities for personalized, relevant and real-time customer engagement across offline (direct mail, point of sale, call center) and digital (email, website, SMS, mobile apps, social networks, connected objects).
Reinventing the Handshake | @CloudExpo #Cloud #Security
My father used to tell me that the key to success in life was to look people in the eye and give them a firm handshake. But the art of the handshake seems to have died in my generation. I grew up in the era of high fives, forearm smashes and fist pumps. I played baseball, so there were also a lot of butt pats, (but let’s not go into that). It seems like the importance of handshakes and eye-to-eye contact have diminished even further in my daughter’s generation. Every day I watch her friends look down at their smartphones while texting each other “omg hi bff” as they greet each other at school or at the mall.
SQL Server Index Fragmentation In-Depth
There is no way to avoid index fragmentation in any SQL Server environment. It does not depend on your SQL Server version or I/O subsystem you have, or your hardware. In this article, we will drill down into SQL Server index fragmentation issue. We will figure out why index fragmentation is a problem and how it affect on overall performance, discuss how to detect and avoid it.
Containers, Mobile Apps, and IoT | @ThingsExpo #IoT #M2M #InternetOfThings
Container technology is shaping the future of DevOps and it’s also changing the way organizations think about application development. With the rise of mobile applications in the enterprise, businesses are abandoning year-long development cycles and embracing technologies that enable rapid development and continuous deployment of apps.
In his session at DevOps Summit, Kurt Collins, Developer Evangelist at, examined how Docker has evolved into a highly effective tool for application delivery by allowing increasingly popular Mobile Backend-as-a-Service (mBaaS) platforms to quickly create and scale enterprise apps across mobile, web and IoT.
Leadership for DevOps Success | @DevOpsSummit @G2G3 #DevOps #IoT
Culture is the most important ingredient of DevOps. The challenge for most organizations is defining and communicating a vision of beneficial DevOps culture for their organizations, and then facilitating the changes needed to achieve that. Often this comes down to an ability to provide true leadership.
As a CIO, are your direct reports IT managers or are they IT leaders? The hard truth is that many IT managers have risen through the ranks based on their technical skills, not their leadership ability. Many are unable to effectively engage and inspire, creating forward momentum in the direction of desired change. Renowned for its approach to leadership and emphasis on their people, organizations increasingly look to our military for insight into these challenges.