Artificial Intelligence: The Good. The Bad, and The Ugly | @CloudEXPO @RedHat @GHaff #AI #ML #DL #ArtificialIntelligence

Artificial intelligence, machine learning, neural networks. We’re in the midst of a wave of excitement around AI such as hasn’t been seen for a few decades. But those previous periods of inflated expectations led to troughs of disappointment. This time is (mostly) different. Applications of AI such as predictive analytics are already decreasing costs and improving reliability of industrial machinery. Pattern recognition can equal or exceed the ability of human experts in some domains. It’s developing into an increasingly commercially important technology area. (Although it’s also easy to look at wins in specific domains and generalize to an overly-optimistic view of AI writ large.)

In this session, Red Hat Technology Evangelist for Emerging Technology Gordon Haff will examine the AI landscape and identify those domains and approaches that have seen genuine advance and why. He’ll also discuss some of the specific ways in which both organizations and individuals are getting up to speed with AI today.

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